Sheila Adcock
Sheila Adcock from is on WIMKIN - Uncensored Social Media - No Fact Checking, Free Speech.. Free speech Social media. Your voice will never be silenced on Wimkin. Sheila Adcock has 2 friends. Sign up
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More balls then all the democrats put together.
Ed Rhinehart
Ed Rhinehart's Photo from July 13, 2022: 0d5c7761-9e4c-4015-a484-ea362228b24f.THEY ARE TRYING TO DESTROY THESE 2 PATRIOTS REPOST IF YOU STAND WITH THEM ( CAUSE I STAND WITH THE BOTH OF THEM! Shar
My pind
I had a pind like that in Colorado , it had a 3 level waterfall & it watered every prairie dog within a quarter mile..
No Chinese owned land in US.
Richard Willhoite
Richard Willhoite from is on WIMKIN - Uncensored Social Media - No Fact Checking, Free Speech.. Free speech Social media. Your voice will never be silenced on Wimkin. Richard Willhoite has 128 friend
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Biden did not win the election. The president of the United States in living in Florida preparing to win his 3rd election.