I'm just a simple family man. I love my wife and my kids. I'm a songwriter as well and I write music... View More
About Me
The news industry has failed you. Over six years of "censorship" headlines and what have they uncovered?
I have found the actual software programs. I have found the developers, the hosts, the funding... View More
The ARKA Journal
Liberty cannot exist in ignorance. Discover state and leftist propaganda, how these narratives are disseminated, and how dissent is suppressed.
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liberal world order..watch till end!! Unbelievable
mark szymanski shared a video
Did y'all hear the Democratic strategist talking about the millions of barrels of oil sent to china?? Something about this is the plan for a NEOLIBERAL WORLD ORDER? I got news for em, shit ain't gonna... View More
So the biden admin sends "Our" oil to China??? I think its safe to say the poor could sue them for pain and suffering after this. I mean, what else does he have to do to get impeached?? We need Presid... View More