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Cameron smittenaar
What do you do when nothing is goingon?
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Cameron smittenaar
Who is willing to have a conversation?
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Cameron smittenaar
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Cameron smittenaar
Nietzsche said God is dead, my question to everyone is: what is your modern God, is it money, is it fame, or is it power? To answer this for myself, I don't believe because I question too much.
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Our culture is throwing its base away! Which is why there is so much craziness and confusion! My God is not the author of confusion. He does allow us choices and we get to deal with the natural consequences of those choices many of which lead to destruction and chaos. I choose the straight and narr... View More
July 7, 2022
Cameron smittenaar
Lonely man. A man's loneliest moment is the loss of thee woman's blissful embrace.
Cameron smittenaar
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