The people of Arizona should be burning down buildings like the riots were allowed to do. Their election is a joke and what is wrong with the Dumocratic party. They are the entire problem with thus co... View More
SHOCKING! Arizona Board of Supervisor Coerced to Certify 2022 Election
FacebookTwitterDespite troves of evidence proving ineptitude and outright fraud, Americans who question the validity of suspicious elections are being demonized. They’re called “election deniers.” The
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This is why this country will never be the same again. Dumocrat law makers that have no clue. They think a vasectomy is comparable to an abortion. What dumb ass.
Lawmaker Announces Retaliatory Bill Following Roe v Wade Decision - Civil Deadline
Following the announcement of the Supreme Court's opinion, liberals have lost their minds and the Democrats in Congress have proven to everyone that they don't actually care about being fair
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Tell that law maker he can't do that. To emphasize the point, push a law requiring him to submit to FULL transition surgery. Bye bye Mr. Happy!
I'll bet he will fund thar objectionable.
I have completely lost all faith in our election process. It is so rigged that I feel voting is just a waist of time. Dumocrats have destroyed this country to the point of no return.
THE USA IS DEAD... View More
WOW: Arizona Election Worker Details Voter Fraud Investigation
The worker says the ongoing investigation is targeting US non-profits she believes are ‘political advocacy groups’ In an exclusive interview given to The Epoch Times, the recorder at the Yuma Cou
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I love the response to this question. I just had to share.
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