For sure the problem is most people (christian or otherwise) don't stand together against anything! Even tr*an*ny. Too many folks still think gov*ern*m*ent is for them and will save them. Sad.
The p... View MoreFor sure the problem is most people (christian or otherwise) don't stand together against anything! Even tr*an*ny. Too many folks still think gov*ern*m*ent is for them and will save them. Sad.
The proof that go*ve*rn*men*t / Fa*c*ebo*o*k is still censoring is they just gave me a warning this post (the upper part of post is original) goes against community's standards. They are watching! Hense, the reason for star symbols!)
I suggest you go to your prayer closet and pray more fervently and more often than usual.) God bless you abundantly my sisters and brothers. And God bless our great country.
I posted the following post on May 10th. I'm reposting it here to make a point. I HATE Walmart, but we needed to stock up on supplies. This is sad to say, and it literally pains me to think about, bu... View MoreI posted the following post on May 10th. I'm reposting it here to make a point. I HATE Walmart, but we needed to stock up on supplies. This is sad to say, and it literally pains me to think about, but Walmart is cheaper than most stores. This includes $ Generals too! Most items have jumped up. For example their brands, the small Tuna in water, was 72 cents, now it's 78 cents; The $1 can veggies is now $1.18. What we usually buy has now jumped in price upwards of $4 or more. This is part of the warnings that has been given. I'm waiting for the "big drop" on USA citizens.
Look, I know God will make provisions, but we all must be smart, pray, and do our part! God bless everyone.
Post from May 10th:
Open your eyes people! I suggest you go to your prayer closet about this now. I've been hearing for the last two years the warning to get stocked up on foods, vitamins, survival supplies, medications, and warm clothing. I heard a day or two ago that somewhere around June or July this government is going to make shortages of the supplies citizens need. I pray folks are taking these warnings seriously. If people would just think about all the lies, hardships, deceits, forced v*ac**ci*nes^**, ma*sk ma*n*da*tes, passing of closed-doors laws, and so on, they would understand that co*m*m*un*is*m, S*at*an*is*ts, de*mo**crat*es, scoli**st*s, libs, want the destruction of America and everyone that will not accept their di*cta*tor*sh*ip. To me this sounds like the pope saying we all serve the same God. !? He is pushing for all religions to come together. This sounds like I*s*l*a*m, doesn't it? (This is another reason to have the Baptism of His Holy Spirit.)
Obviously, this is the reason for shortages of supplies, high medications prices, high food prices, and high gas prices!
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