Smokster31381.3 on TikTok
737 Likes, 72 Comments. TikTok video from Smokster31381.3 (@smokster31381.3). original sound.
Thoughts.On.The.World.04 on TikTok
252 Likes, 9 Comments. TikTok video from Thoughts.On.The.World.04 ( "Tucker Carlson 10/28/22. Part 2. 5.5 MILLION illegals have crossed into America
#tuckercarlson #new
(‘-‘ t )__t( ‘-’ )t__( t ‘-‘) on TikTok
553 Likes, 48 Comments. TikTok video from (‘-‘ t )__t( ‘-’ )t__( t ‘-‘) (@bosslady_2a): "⛽️ Diesel Fuel Shortage⛽️
#fjb 🇺🇸🚂
#theworldstops #thenwhat #economy #crash #b
Ruben Sepulv on TikTok
406 Likes, 51 Comments. TikTok video from Ruben Sepulv (@morphiase). original sound.
Unbeaten Pathway on TikTok
943 Likes, 65 Comments. TikTok video from Unbeaten Pathway (@beurownguru): ""They prefer the calm of despotism to the boisterous sea of liberty."
#divideandconquer #republican #democra
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