I've never seen so many memes all in one place. It's almost as if no one can formulate an original thought all on their own. It's social media seen through the eyes of 6th graders.
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Oh look another douchebag
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If ever there was an argument for abortion, this Truth Social thing would be it.
You love eating plenty of murder human baby flesh and blood and souls and sexuality with them as they are in the most agony even Jesus Christ had it better than you would give too these babies without any mercy just for your pleasure. Yeah and you laughing laughing laughing laughing laughing laughin... View More
Wes Rodgers is a evil baby eater and is extremely evil baby murder.
Wes, if ever there was a case for the 'after' 4th trimester abortion, you have exemplified the reason.
There is something fucked up about this fake profile
Na. Not fake at all. Just here for the entertainment. It's like watching an Adam Sandler movie. Lots of laughs but mindless content. I think it's awesome.
This site is exactly as hilariously fucked up as I imagined.
Within the first 10 seconds of joining I saw something about a satanic pedophile cult.
This is great.
I love it because We The Real People descover you and will call you out and instill fear into your baby murders and it is not your right to kill our babies whom are our Land but not as you see land as under your feet. To own. Our home is mom or wife that her husband and kids come to eat and heal and... View More