Window Sticker Of Police SUV Is Terrifying, According To The Activist Who Warns With Lawsuit - Global Story News
While waiting at a stoplight in Portland, Oregon, a criminal defense attorney noticed a decal on the police cruiser in front of her. After taking a closer look, she warned the city about a potential l
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Lucretia Hughes to Congress: "You Who Call For More Gun Control Are The Same Ones That Call To Defund The Police"
Lucretia Hughes, whose son was killed by a convicted felon using an illegal firearm, addressed Congress at a House Oversight Committee hearing on Wednesday to argue against more gun control laws. Read
Ball-Less Bill Barr NOW SAYS Hillary Clinton Was Guilty of Sedition
What a coward. Bill Barr now says Hillary Clinton could have been charged with sedition. If only we would have had an Attorney General who had the balls to do what was right? If only. Hillary Clinton
Nothing that comes out of his mouth is true. He is like all the rest of them.