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Fred Eaglesmith

Male. Lives in United States. Born on January 1, 1953.
About Me
Retired Land Surveyor. Enjoy surfing, photography, and guitars.
Fred Eaglesmith
If Murial Bowser wants representation for the inhabitants of Washington DC, the answer is not to create a 51st state, the answer is to give the land back Maryland and Virginia.
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Fred Eaglesmith
I tolerate Gay Pride. Bigots like Sarah Spain want to force others to celebrate it
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Fred Eaglesmith
The violent actions and rhetoric coming from Democrats makes it necessary for some of us to own AR-15s. I don't own a gun, but I understand why one would be necessary after watching the BLM riots and... View More
Fred Eaglesmith
Loved watching Trump's rallies. His clear, concise, and sometimes brutal rebuttals to corrupt Democrats and their failed policies was a breath of fresh air. However, for the good of the country, I be... View More
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P Baker
In all fairness, after all the shit the dumbocRats have drug him through I too would have a devisive and derogatory tone! In fact I guarantee I would not have handled it as elequently as he has! This has been one hell of an upheaval, and he has every right to have a derogatory tone! Until you've wal... View More
June 11, 2022
Fred Eaglesmith
Fred Eaglesmith replied - 1 reply
Fred Eaglesmith
One could interpret the Democrat's and the Main Main Stream Media's anemic response to the demonization of the Supreme Court and the subsequent lethal dangers it imposes on Conservative Justices, that... View More
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Fred Eaglesmith
The group "Ruth Sent Us" describes themselves as a non-violent organization even though they are pro-abortion.
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