Lenin's methods studied closely by our Democratic politicians.
Lenin rarely talked about poverty or class oppression.
Lenin believed that a small group of Vanguard of enlightened extremists, should ... View MoreLenin's methods studied closely by our Democratic politicians.
Lenin rarely talked about poverty or class oppression.
Lenin believed that a small group of Vanguard of enlightened extremists, should direct Society while keeping their real aims a secret, and that people, especially in democracies, had to be stampeded by Terror to go in his desired Direction, not persuaded by reason and evidence.
Al Qaeda was funded by Osama bin Laden in 1998.
Bin Laden brought money and charisma, SawaHari a Rolodex of terrorist leaders and Fighters and more than 30 countries.
He wasn't only a successor to bin Ladin;
Al Qaeda seems to have been his idea.
Many of these people are actually in America and in our government, and over the years have been elected to our Congress and Senate.
All are Democrats and some RINO'S that ran as Republicans to control both branches of our government and now they control the White House.
It all started in the Colleges with Angela Davis and the Black Panther Movement.
Expect the Joe Biden administration to be nominating this lady to head the Department of education.
And for the unionized School teachers to endorse and promote her nomination to even the Teachers U... View MoreExpect the Joe Biden administration to be nominating this lady to head the Department of education.
And for the unionized School teachers to endorse and promote her nomination to even the Teachers Union or Congress.
"Birds of a feather flock together"
Look around you and see how the Democratic party, in order to help China, is taking down America from within.
Democratic politicians, when asked by China to help them take down America, their only re... View MoreLook around you and see how the Democratic party, in order to help China, is taking down America from within.
Democratic politicians, when asked by China to help them take down America, their only response was, "SHOW ME THE MONEY!"
Do you know what all these cities have in common?
They're all controlled and run by Democratic politicians.
I don't believe the Politicians received the jab, else why are they getting sick and not dying?
It's all the common flu.
Get the jab, and your immune system is complicated, your heart will be weakene... View MoreI don't believe the Politicians received the jab, else why are they getting sick and not dying?
It's all the common flu.
Get the jab, and your immune system is complicated, your heart will be weakened, and your blood flow will be slowed down.
its population control.
The Democratic politicians will have everyone taking the jab until it does the programmed results.
The Democratic politicians are lying to you.
Look around you. Are you better off today?
They give you Candy to get you into the van.
... View MoreThe Democratic politicians are lying to you.
Look around you. Are you better off today?
They give you Candy to get you into the van.
Since the Biden Administration keeps doing things that hurt America, and they keep doing the same things over and over again, producing the same results.
Don't you think, it must be the Real Results that they want.
Their plan is to ruin America by stealing as much money as they can, and forcing America into bankruptcy,
Destroying the currency, while their money has already been exchanged and is in Switzerland or some other country like China, and America will be a third world country.
Message from West Walker.
Ultra MAGA? Biden admits he IS NOT ABOUT MAKING AMERICA GREAT! … next question should be is how is it possible we went from ultra prosperity to the worst economy, wide open... View MoreMessage from West Walker.
Ultra MAGA? Biden admits he IS NOT ABOUT MAKING AMERICA GREAT! … next question should be is how is it possible we went from ultra prosperity to the worst economy, wide open borders, verge of WWIII, etc … oh and wages/earning power dropped how much do to a 40 year+ inflation? - Bring ultra back please !!!
Roe may or may not be overturned but meanwhile:
- baby formula is scarce
- stock market is tanking
- gas prices are rising
- speech is being censored
- human trafficking is up
- mental health crises are exploding
- drug overdoses rising
- crime rates skyrocketing
What else? What if the people that are labeling others as Ultra MAGA are really the extremists, because they moved so far to the Left?
Is being energy independent, having secure borders, steering clear of foreign entanglements, putting America first, really an extreme position?
Ultra MAGA says we shouldn't spend $40B+ abroad because America's already $30T+ in debt.
Either you stand for a Great America or Spend Tax dollars into Deeper Debt America. Look at the auto industry and tech to see the competition and that America should be paying (at most) its FAIR share- not the WORLD's FULL share. --the rest is all about money laundering for our corrupt DC Cartel.
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