Donald Trump was right and when you're right you're right
Keith Purdue - Male
Keith Purdue from is on WIMKIN - Uncensored Social Media - No Fact Checking, Free Speech.. Free speech Social media. Your voice will never be silenced on Wimkin. Keith Purdue has 7 friends. Sign up o
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Freaky brother
Keith Purdue - Male
Keith Purdue from is on WIMKIN - Uncensored Social Media - No Fact Checking, Free Speech.. Free speech Social media. Your voice will never be silenced on Wimkin. Keith Purdue has 7 friends. Sign up o
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A Story about a Farmer
A Story about a Farmer The style , or method , that Jesus used when He taught God’s Message to His followers was to use something “ cre...
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It's about time somebody to fight back against these people think they can do anything or whatever they want
Two Iowa Police Officers File Lawsuit Against Black Lives Matter Protesters for Assault
Two Iowa police officers have filed a lawsuit against Black Lives Matter protesters who allegedly assaulted them in Des Moines after the death of George Floyd in Minneapolis, Minnesota. The officers,
Don't we know that's right
Ellis Blake - Male
Ellis Blake from is on WIMKIN - Uncensored Social Media - No Fact Checking, Free Speech.. Free speech Social media. Your voice will never be silenced on Wimkin. Ellis Blake has 34 friends. Sign up on
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Amen and praise the Lord for that
Jodie Thomas - Female
Jodie Thomas from is on WIMKIN - Uncensored Social Media - No Fact Checking, Free Speech.. Free speech Social media. Your voice will never be silenced on Wimkin. Jodie Thomas has 213 friends. Sign up
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Jodie Thomas - Female
Jodie Thomas from is on WIMKIN - Uncensored Social Media - No Fact Checking, Free Speech.. Free speech Social media. Your voice will never be silenced on Wimkin. Jodie Thomas has 213 friends. Sign up
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This is so true
RICKY Moore from United States, Indiana is on WIMKIN - Uncensored Social Media - No Fact Checking, Free Speech.. Free speech Social media. Your voice will never be silenced on Wimkin. RICKY Moore has
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The truth has been spoken
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I knew that it was a lie from the beginning for God says this world will never be destroyed by water again this time it's going to be fire nuclear war most likely
Brent Cole
Brent Cole's Photo from July 10, 2022: FB_IMG_1657412210981.I know this, but in case you don't. Share your photos with friends, family, and the world on Phpfox. Part of the photo album: Bren
Theres never going to be a "this time".
Maybe try and read the Bible before predicting the future.
Just wars and rumors of wars just before they want Peace Peace.
Its the Peace Peace that you want to be tuned to.
Thats when the fake christ appears.
Nobody couldn't and they definitely can't now kill me that the Democrats did not cheat it's a fact if only the cheaters would open their eyes and see the truth
Elizabeth Moore
Elizabeth Moore from is on WIMKIN - Uncensored Social Media - No Fact Checking, Free Speech.. Free speech Social media. Your voice will never be silenced on Wimkin. Elizabeth Moore has 51 friends. Si
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