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John Beddow
Viva Las Mexico, some nice Mexican cones
John Beddow
John Beddow
What do you think happens if they miss. Does it burn up in the atmosphere, or disappear into a black hole, go to another galaxy and kill aliens.
John Beddow
I don't know what the point is of a unmanned UAV. Just a fast drone for surveillance that a satellite could accomplish, or even launch the missiles from the satellite to the target.
John Beddow
When drinking Tea be sure to wash your cup first, unless that's the 1 your going to drink.
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John Beddow
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John Beddow
John Beddow
Feels like when his little brother Rashid showed up with a shot gun to show me he knows what he is doing. But what are cousins for.
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John Beddow
John Beddow
The Statue of Limitations is over for Heather Peacock day plans protected by Ann Marie Wiesbecky of Marin Sheriff so if $10 a gallon gas is the future of America its the Lawsuit delay due to Military ... View More
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John Beddow
Made in China with German technology since Germany sells power technology to Persia keep the relationship Strong for farms to power the entire country.
John Beddow
Being turned down hurts, as Adel was by the U.S in the past.
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