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Dan Draven
So much for illegals taking jobs 🙄 😆 🤣 fool's I found this on NewsBreak: A janitor laid off at Twitter's headquarters said one of Elon Musk's team members told him he'd be replaced by robots https:... View More
Dan Draven
The humiliation never ends 😆 🤣 Herschel Walker’s son says Trump called his father for months demanding that he run, while ‘everyone with a brain’ begged him not to https://l.smartnews.com/rgKZq/wZQun1
Dan Draven
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Johnnie Freitas
He was impeached because they wanted him gone before he drained the swamp.The only reason he didnt win the popular vote is they didnt think hilliary needed that much cheating. He failed to be reelected because they kept counting illegal votes till his lead was overtaken. It did take alot of late nig... View More
December 2, 2022
Dan Higdon
The only President that presided for the benefit of We The People
December 2, 2022
Dan Draven
Evidently Antifa & BLM had nothing to do with Jan 6th and the white supremacists want the other white supremacists pardoned. It's sadly amazing as to how much the trump base takes as gospel from the o... View More
Dan Draven
Wonder how many folk's on this are from Louisiana. Sickening
Dan Draven
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