The news industry has failed you. Over six years of "censorship" headlines and what have they uncovered?
I have found the actual software programs. I have found the developers, the hosts, the funding... View More
The ARKA Journal
Liberty cannot exist in ignorance. Discover state and leftist propaganda, how these narratives are disseminated, and how dissent is suppressed.
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Glenn Huggins shared a photo
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He made promises and done what he said
He was going to so.. trump 2024. American needs him. NOW WWG1WGA
Linda Guttendorf Hale shared a photo
This is what going to happen. Wwg1wga. Jesus is my savior
⚠️ America, You Will Wish You Watched This Before Going Outside (2022-2023)
America, You Will Wish You Watched This Before Going Outside
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