I wonder if Pete Buttigieg and his old man have had the monkey pox vaccine so they can continue to perform their wicked deeds.
Pete openbutt sucks wood with poop on it , i highly doubt he worries about monkey pox ,just worries about where his next shitty cock is. .. To gross? Call 1 800 000000
Sure I'll use deadly force, AGAINST THEM! I sure hope that the dumbasses that apply for the job understand that they are taking their lives in their hands. They have targets on their backs! Just like the good old FBI!
They're building a secret service of compliance enforcers. This is to prepare for the eventual roll out and enforcement of the CBDC. They want 100% authority over every penny in circulation. Your every purchase will be monitored, tracked, and controlled. If you buy too much meat, your funds to b... View More