Talking is over. If our elected Republican leaders refuse to stop this Communist Deap State, this Communist State run media, this Communist Corporate takeover of our Constitutional rights, then it's u... View MoreTalking is over. If our elected Republican leaders refuse to stop this Communist Deap State, this Communist State run media, this Communist Corporate takeover of our Constitutional rights, then it's up to "We The People" to make war with them. Refuse to watch CNN, MSNBC, all network news. Refuse to buy anything from these Corporations, get rid of Netflix, Amazon. ATT, Disney, paramount+, Walmart, and all woke corporate. Marxist companies. Vote for all America First Candidates and make sure you vote on election day and not use mail- in voting.
Monkeypox is a disease of gay men like HIV and poses no threat to the heterosexual population. If a woman or a child get it then that woman had sex with a gay bisexual man or the child was raped by a ... View MoreMonkeypox is a disease of gay men like HIV and poses no threat to the heterosexual population. If a woman or a child get it then that woman had sex with a gay bisexual man or the child was raped by a gay bisexual dirtbag.
Ever since I got the jab my arteries are calcifing and my lower legs are dying bcos my feet were not getting enough blood. I've had an infection in my heel that was healing until the jab and now my lo... View MoreEver since I got the jab my arteries are calcifing and my lower legs are dying bcos my feet were not getting enough blood. I've had an infection in my heel that was healing until the jab and now my lower leg needed to be amputated. Don't get the jab bcos it's a scam and dangerous to your future health.
I got rid of Netflix, Amazon Prime, and Google bcos these companies are socially engineering our population to accept the evil and Godless Communist takeover of our Constitutional Republic through sho... View MoreI got rid of Netflix, Amazon Prime, and Google bcos these companies are socially engineering our population to accept the evil and Godless Communist takeover of our Constitutional Republic through shoving down our throats the lgbtq progressive agenda. Love all people but I have to stand bodly against evil.
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