Analysis: Biden pulls from Trump’s immigration playbook in election-year twist | CNN Politics
President Joe Biden is pulling from former President Donald Trump’s immigration playbook as he tries to stop a flow of asylum-seekers from around the world who are crossing into the US at the border w
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Tricia Newman
Except President Trump didn't do it for an election
Fauci draws GOP ire but Kennedy may be making him a problem for Trump | CNN Politics
The public lashing Dr. Anthony Fauci faced on Capitol Hill Monday was illustrative of his enduring unpopularity with the GOP’s conservative base. Yet even as Republicans seek to capitalize on that dis
A very nice flavor dish.
Hungarian Treasure (Szekely Gulyas)
This combination of pork, sauerkraut, sour cream and paprika is heavenly served on buttery egg noodles with or without poppy seeds. Here's to great comfort food. —Taste of Home Test Kitchen, Milwaukee