Patricia Bonnin Obituary - Sulphur, LA
Celebrate the life of Patricia Bonnin, leave a kind word or memory and get funeral service information care of Hixson-Sulphur Memorial Funeral Home.
Haha (2)
I dont fkn get it. The lefty libtards hated Trump because he was a liar, a misogynist, a woman grabber, ( even tried to call him a pedo) a racist, a con man, a "pee on the prostitutes bed" kind a guy, and not fit for the presidency. Remember that?
And not ONE of those allegations proved to be fact.
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Democrats Still Believe Russia Changed 2016 Election
Fears of Russian interference in U.S. politics remain widespread, and Democratic voters overwhelmingly agree with Hillary Clinton that Russia is to blame for her defeat in 2016.
Poor Jason is overworked. You are clearly not you. Why did you steal my Gemma's photo