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Bruce Robison
Wake-up Democrats are actually at war. They are using violence against people. Robbing and destroying business. Threatening are Supreme Court Judges. Truth czar. They are working on turning our co... View More
Bruce Robison
Truth czar says parents questioning CRT is disinformers. ???
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Bruce Robison
Truth czar??? BIDEN administration gonna tell you and media what you can and cannot say!!! Freedom of speech??? Welcome to SOCIALISM!!! We get to live like Russia and China!!!!
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Patrick Thornton
I dunno man. I think Russia gets more accurate news from their media.
April 29, 2022
Bruce Robison
Truth czar? So the Biden administration is gonna tell us what is Truth! So if you don't agree with them they gonna send you to reprogramming camp??
Bruce Robison
Bruce Robison
President Trump needs to go on Twitter and other social sites. By not doing so he is acting like he is to good. By doing so he is acting like a typical republican. That's how we lose the country. H... View More
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