dolphinsgs on GETTR : Thank You Tennessee! I am so proud of Tennessee for standing up to save Americas children. Grown men should not be grabbing their privates in front of children. That is and always will be WRONG! Full Stop! Now, all you other states c
Thank You Tennessee! I am so proud of Tennessee for standing up to save Americas children. Grown men should not be grabbing their privates in front of children. That is and always will be WRONG! Full
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dolphinsgs on GETTR : Time for another truth history fact: 1:England was first country to outlaw slavery. 2:America outlaw slavery during our Civil War ( 1860- 1865) 3: Ethiopia finally outlawed slavery after much world pressure in the 1940
Time for another truth history fact: 1:England was first country to outlaw slavery. 2:America outlaw slavery during our Civil War ( 1860- 1865) 3: Ethiopia finally outlawed slavery after much world pr
dolphinsgs on GETTR : Cross and Reed on MSNBC talking about how had white people are.America why are yall watching that garbage. Those are truly racist. If you want to know what a racist looks like? Just watch alittle of them and you will truly see. Yall
Cross and Reed on MSNBC talking about how had white people are.America why are yall watching that garbage. Those are truly racist. If you want to know what a racist looks like? Just watch alittle of t
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dolphinsgs on GETTR : Just one question: How long and just how much money are we supposed to pay for Ukrainian people? The little president wants their retirement fund protected. You are in a war for your life we are told and you are worried about retirem
Just one question: How long and just how much money are we supposed to pay for Ukrainian people? The little president wants their retirement fund protected. You are in a war for your life we are told
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