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Brent Lee Sohlden
Zombie apocalypse might be happening tonight at midnight
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Brent Lee Sohlden
Agent Mulder said "the truth is out there". He was right. But there are two kinds of "truth". Truth from God's perspective and truth from Man's perspective. Truth is stranger than fiction. Truth is Je... View More
Brent Lee Sohlden
Brent Lee Sohlden
Please sign up and post on www.maraandlukeforever.boards.net We need you to help build up our site.
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Brent Lee Sohlden
Starting a livestream on YouTube on the Brent Koivopolo Channel- Learning and study time is the video and I am live here at 7:43 AM CDT
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Brent Lee Sohlden
Introduction to my feed.
Haha (3)
Bobby Burkeen
April 21, 2022
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