I love America, the 2nd amendment, and the freedom of speech. What is going on since 2020.... Covid,... View MoreI love America, the 2nd amendment, and the freedom of speech. What is going on since 2020.... Covid, the clear curruptness of the Govt., the election, inflation, mask mandates, gas prices, black lives matter, and the list goes on and on and on. Where I stand strong, on each of these issues, doesn't degrade any one person, I've done a lot of research, watched countless hours of video and read many people's blogs and books to form a well educated plan on what is happening and going on. I refuse to be associated with Twitter who has Putin as a member, but has Trump blocked. Facebook puts people in jail for posting their opinions, when isn't that what got them started? And well, Facebook owns Instagram so that's no better. I'm done with them. Covid, if you think this just leaked out? Yeahhh right. There are people making millions from this. Bill Gates and Fauci are corrupt! As well as the mass media that showed fake reports back in 2020 just to scare people, Fauci changed his narrative like 4 times about masks, but yet, for 2 years, people were scarred and followed along. IVERVECTIN was given to Donald Trump, and 3 days later, he was fine. I asked for it while in the hospital, and they wouldn't give it to me at the end of 2021. Thankfully I didn't die, but I might have if they gave me Rendeziveer or however it's spelled, which apparantly tons of people did that were given it. Because the CDC mandated it. Ultimately, we all need to come together, especially more now then ever, and stop this Biden administration that clearly isn't for .... We the People!!!!
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I love America, the 2nd amendment, and the freedom of speech. What is going on since 2020.... Covid,... View More