2 Guys Drinking Coffee Episode 202 – LET THE CONSTITUTION BE OUR GUIDE
This episode was originally going to be called, “point counter point” because the two of us go round and round on a lot of issue... View More2 Guys Drinking Coffee Episode 202 – LET THE CONSTITUTION BE OUR GUIDE
This episode was originally going to be called, “point counter point” because the two of us go round and round on a lot of issues. However, one thing that we both firmly believe is that we as a country need to return to the “original” constitution. Perhaps this is the only way we can restore a country that has been lost for over a hundred years.
The other thing we agree on is there are three questions that need to be asked: Where are the arrests? Where are the convictions? Where is the punishment?
2 Guys Drinking Coffee Episode 201 w/ Randy Barber and Kim Wathen
Frequent guests on this podcast, Randy Barber and Kim Wathen are joining us this week to talk about a couple of very important topics... View More2 Guys Drinking Coffee Episode 201 w/ Randy Barber and Kim Wathen
Frequent guests on this podcast, Randy Barber and Kim Wathen are joining us this week to talk about a couple of very important topics. First, they have been very involved in the relief effort for the people in North Carolina and Tennessee after the weather weapon, Helene, devastated the region. Randy has made several trips down there from his home in Western New York to bring much needed supplies.
They will be giving us an update on the situation and if things have improved.
Then as you all may remember, both Randy and Kim have been instrumental in the fight for election integrity. They have been involved in many different capacities, and they want to bring us up to date on what recently happened in Albany, NY as well as 10 other states involving over 200 volunteers all working together to bring honesty and integrity back to our very broken election system.
New Life Fellowship Service Courtesy of 2 Guys Drinking Coffee
This is the church service that Jim M and Jim T go to and we stream their service live to both the church's platforms and several of our... View MoreNew Life Fellowship Service Courtesy of 2 Guys Drinking Coffee
This is the church service that Jim M and Jim T go to and we stream their service live to both the church's platforms and several of our.
In as much as we are heading into the end times, it's always a good idea to get closer to God!
2 Guys Drinking Coffee Episode 200 – What has changed in 200 episodes… not much!
A lot of good things have been happening in the last 30+ days. Trump is keeping his promises. Does that mean we can ... View More2 Guys Drinking Coffee Episode 200 – What has changed in 200 episodes… not much!
A lot of good things have been happening in the last 30+ days. Trump is keeping his promises. Does that mean we can let our guard down? NO!
We still have Big Pharma either trying to kill us outright or make us customers for life. We still have states that are keeping the woke, DEI agenda alive. We have an economy that is barely on life support and will need a very painful reset to save the country. We still have deep state operatives trying to undermine the Trump administration at every turn.
That’s why we can’t let up. Everyone, even Trump, needs to be held accountable and we need to keep the pressure on government… on every level, town, county, state and federal.
That’s what we’re talking about in this episode. Take a listen and let us know what you think.
2 Guys Drinking Coffee W/ Special Guest JAMES ROGUSKI
During our last two episodes we talked extensively about the mRNA Gene Therapy drugs, some call “Vaccines.” Afterwards, thinking, we needed to d... View More2 Guys Drinking Coffee W/ Special Guest JAMES ROGUSKI
During our last two episodes we talked extensively about the mRNA Gene Therapy drugs, some call “Vaccines.” Afterwards, thinking, we needed to do a follow-up with James Roguski, our guest expert on all things WHO, and Pandemic related.
If you follow him on his Substack Page you know he continues to be busy alerting us to what is going on, things to look for, and presenting events we should all be concerned about.
2 Guys Drinking Coffee Episode 198 – “AI, THE MARK OF THE BEAST, AND 666”
The pieces of the puzzle are coming together. The feeling is unsettling but also comforting. The evidence seems to confirm th... View More2 Guys Drinking Coffee Episode 198 – “AI, THE MARK OF THE BEAST, AND 666”
The pieces of the puzzle are coming together. The feeling is unsettling but also comforting. The evidence seems to confirm that we are indeed in the End Times. Uncomfortable because the book of Revelation, along with a total of 150 books in the Bible tells us about such times and indicates “Troubled Days” are ahead of us. But at the same time, it also means that the Second Coming of Christ is near. As the Bible says in Luke 21:28: “When these things begin to take place, stand up and lift up your heads, because your redemption is drawing near.”
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