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2 Guys Drinking Coffee
2 Guys Drinking Coffee Episode 202 – LET THE CONSTITUTION BE OUR GUIDE This episode was originally going to be called, “point counter point” because the two of us go round and round on a lot of issue... View More
2 Guys Drinking Coffee
2 Guys Drinking Coffee Episode 201 w/ Randy Barber and Kim Wathen Frequent guests on this podcast, Randy Barber and Kim Wathen are joining us this week to talk about a couple of very important topics... View More
2 Guys Drinking Coffee
New Life Fellowship Service Courtesy of 2 Guys Drinking Coffee This is the church service that Jim M and Jim T go to and we stream their service live to both the church's platforms and several of our... View More
2 Guys Drinking Coffee
2 Guys Drinking Coffee Episode 200 – What has changed in 200 episodes… not much! A lot of good things have been happening in the last 30+ days. Trump is keeping his promises. Does that mean we can ... View More
2 Guys Drinking Coffee
2 Guys Drinking Coffee W/ Special Guest JAMES ROGUSKI During our last two episodes we talked extensively about the mRNA Gene Therapy drugs, some call “Vaccines.” Afterwards, thinking, we needed to d... View More
2 Guys Drinking Coffee
2 Guys Drinking Coffee Episode 198 – “AI, THE MARK OF THE BEAST, AND 666” The pieces of the puzzle are coming together. The feeling is unsettling but also comforting. The evidence seems to confirm th... View More
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