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Politics and Elections
Tawny A Miller
I respect Charles Payne and have watched him for years when it comes to money and investments. What he actually said in this piece was not only a lot of trouble for Biden but that we are really at the... View More
Tawny A Miller
These Democratic leaders need to step aside or actually become a little less toned up or watch the freaking news. Innocent bystanders teenagers standing around in the background mothers and children h... View More
Tawny A Miller
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Tawny A Miller
Here it is, on full display, The real reason all these six billion plus people have been allowed to enter this country and given everything under the sun that they didn't have in their home country, o... View More
Tawny A Miller
I had a terrifying thought hit me that probably should have come into my thoughts and concerns long before but we have this serial killer that killed the young girl in California and a mother of five ... View More
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Heather Robosky
Start carrying a gun , hairspray, mace, perfume, anything for protection. Never go out alone. Be aware of your surroundings.
August 26, 2023
Linda replied - 1 reply
Kelly Spease
Everyone should be frightened. I believe that 6 million is a very low number, I'll bet that there are many more than that. The IMBECILE regime has chummed the water, and all of the world's shark's are coming in for feeding time. Be careful every day and buy a gun. Even small town America could soon ... View More
August 26, 2023
Michael Brooks
Imagine if you will, a country that talks but never walks. Only 1w way to stop this all n it ain't talk
August 26, 2023
Tawny A Miller
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