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Male. Lives in Los Angeles, United States. Born on July 28, 2004. Is in a relationship.
About Me
Local Matterist and thinker. Living in L.A. for a new life.
I am an adaptive, I am not a liberal.
I am... View More
Vigilante Justice
46 Members
Company, Organization, or Institution » Legal/Law

Status Update

We need new recruits for the Vigilante Justice group, we document and pursue the truth and justice to be given to people and allies around the world. Anyone interested? Y'all have the right to questio... View More
Haha (1)
Toxic Masculinity
Here is some truth!
July 16, 2022
Toxic Masculinity
Liberal Progressives ultimate goal is unfettered sexual access to children. Prove me wrong! Children's innocence against predators isn't worth fighting for? Why has the Democrats not written meaningful legislation to prevent or to protect them?... View More
July 16, 2022