Emily Ann Roberts - The Building (Official Audio)
The Building (Official Lyric Video) by Emily Ann Roberts
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I think this would make a good ticket for the Dumbocrats in 2024!
Seriously, if you live in Pennsylvania and plan to vote for John Fetterman, you are a total and complete imbecile. I mean, just look at his bio for crying out loud. He has absolutely no redeeming qual... View MoreSeriously, if you live in Pennsylvania and plan to vote for John Fetterman, you are a total and complete imbecile. I mean, just look at his bio for crying out loud. He has absolutely no redeeming qualities!!
Ed Baronowsky - Male
Ed Baronowsky from is on WIMKIN - Uncensored Social Media - No Fact Checking, Free Speech.. Free speech Social media. Your voice will never be silenced on Wimkin. Ed Baronowsky has 263 friends. Sign
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