Chicago Police: Venezuelan Immigrant Arrested 10 Times in 10 Months Now Lives in Jail
An immigrant in Chicago, Illinois, has been causing a lot of trouble for police officers and businesses in the area.
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Kelly Spease
Wait a minute, the god of gluttony has a park named after him?đŸ¤¦ Anyway...I don't believe that you can beat any sense into this lowlife's head.
Watch: Pakistani Illegal Admits Crossing Border for Work – Not Asylum, Says ‘No Big Deal’ When Told It’s Unlawful
Illegals brazenly crossing in search of work completely unconcerned by Biden admin border security.
Criminal Illegal Alien, Freed into U.S., Charged with Murdering Woman
An illegal alien charged with murdering a woman spent over two decades in an El Salvador prison before getting released into the U.S.
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Indiana shooting suspect told cops he 'always wanted to kill somebody': Court docs
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Indiana shooting suspect told cops he 'always wanted to kill somebody': Court docs
An Indiana man charged with attempted murder after a shooting at a grocery store told police he "always wanted to kill somebody."
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Obviously demon-possessed, ritually sodomized as an innocent toddler for demon-possession and cult psychosis by a Marian cult priest of unrepentant Canaanite Idumean Gog.
Government tries to force Christian ministry servicing at-risk youth to remove its Christian character: suit
https://www.foxnews.com/media/government-tries-force-christian-ministry-servicing-risk-you... View More
Government tries to force Christian ministry servicing at-risk youth to remove its Christian character: suit
Oregon's department of education accused of religious discrimination after it stripped funding from a Christian ministry servicing at-risk youth for trying to maintain its religious character.
California man arrested after randomly punching elderly victims, stopping to pose for photo: police
https://www.foxnews.com/us/california-man-arrested-randomly-punching-elderly-victims-stopping-pose-... View More
California man arrested after randomly punching elderly victims, stopping to pose for photo: police
Nicholas Hosteter, 25, allegedly punched two elderly men in Campbell, California, in separate random attacks this month, authorities said.