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Frank Parker

Male. Lives in Henderson, United States. Born on September 26, 1950. Is married.
About Me
From Blythe Ca.
Graduation from Palo Verde High School 1968
Navy Sea-Bee Construction Battalion 1970-... View More
Frank Parker
Obama is telling the Biden administration exactly what to say and do and they are still destroying the world
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Frank Parker
If big pharmas actually found cures for cancer, MS, or any of the major illnesses and Diseases do you realize how much money they would lose, hell even the common cold and flu they want you to get a s... View More
Frank Parker
Why would someone come on a free speech media and start out 5 minutes after see was accepted and start spreading lies about how much of a liar Trump was but how truthful Biden and his administration i... View More
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Frank Parker
The Fact Checkers confirmed it and they are now looking for other employment
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Bob Raber
The sooner the better.
April 10, 2022
Frank Parker
Even Mickey is pissed how Disney has changed
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Frank Parker
My question is if the BLM really cares about Black Lives why did they buy a house for over $6,000,000.00 couldn’t they have used that money to help better a black community? Just a thought of a crazy ... View More
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From what I gathered, they are a hired group of marxist who come in and destroy a country in order to help communism to be put into place. One of the things they do is, lie about who they really are in order to gather a large group of people that will unknowingly help them. So why not buy a house, t... View More
April 10, 2022
Frank Parker
Frank Parker replied - 1 reply
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