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Max Rotzler
Funny news, I guess Biden is coming to Iowa like I really give a s***. Anyway his advanced team called ahead and tried to round up a bunch of truckers to ask them to come show support for Biden and th... View More
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Max Rotzler
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Max Rotzler
This one is a must watch guys. Listen carefully to the entire thing.
Max Rotzler
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Shane w Sandstrom
The elites have been pissing in the wind, but the direction is changing and now they will all get covered in their own piss.
April 10, 2022
Brenda Williamson
It should be obvious to all of us that the powerful elites are in the process of securing that power. They want a two class system, the elites then the rest of us. Hate believing this, but we have to face it for what it is. Am in the later years of life and my hope for this nation is in the generati... View More
April 11, 2022
Max Rotzler
Oh by the way Pfizer killed thousands upon thousands of people during their clinical trials of the supposedly safe vaccine and is asking the FDA to release them to the public over a 75 year period aft... View More
Max Rotzler
It would seem pretty clear to me that the deep State players and the criminals currently in power are doing everything they can to prevent indictments from coming out prior to the election. Hoping in ... View More
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Max Rotzler
That's just too good!
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