Here’s a daily confession for your first week that will help you walk the straight and narrow: Father, this is the day that You have made for me, and I seize it by faith. I have been supernaturally fo... View MoreHere’s a daily confession for your first week that will help you walk the straight and narrow: Father, this is the day that You have made for me, and I seize it by faith. I have been supernaturally forgiven from the manifold sins of my past, and I declare that I am the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus. In Him I live and in Him I move and in Him I have my being. Faith in the Name of Jesus has saved me, and faith in that Name will keep me. I declare this day that by the power of Your grace, I will place no other gods before You. I will not depend on others for peace, nor will I put my trust more in Your creation, rather than in You, my Creator. I will not fear man more than I fear my Savior. I will not seek to please the world. The Lord my God is One God and Him only will I serve. Your Name is precious to me, and I confess that I will not take Your holy Name in vain. I have not always professed it as proudly as I should nor have I always kept it holy, but on this day, I will not slander Your Name with my life, words, or deeds. I will carry Your Name with the respect and honor it deserves. I confess that I will keep Your Sabbath holy. When I honor You with my time, I open the door for Your presence in my life. I’d rather be in Your house, on Your day than in the richest palace on this planet for a thousand days. I love Your house, and I love to gather with Your people. I recognize that there are some people in my life to whom I must show honor, such as my parents, my superiors, and all who have tried to guide and teach me faithfully. I thank You, my God, for bringing these people into my life, and I pray that You bless them for blessing me. I rebuke the spirit of Hatred. I am a child of love. I will not tolerate anger, unforgiveness, bitterness, or hatred of any kind in my heart. These murderous attitudes can kill my peace and assassinate my relationships. I make the decision right now to forgive. I forgive those who have harmed me, and I forgive those who will. As mercifully and graciously as You have forgiven me, I forgive them. I rebuke the spirit of Lust. I will not engage in this world’s way of doing things. Sins of the flesh and lust for food, clothing, acceptance, and other things do not control me. Adultery, fornication and the like have no hold on me. I covenant with my eyes to only look upon that which is virtuous and uplifting this day. I acknowledge that my old sinful nature is full of greed and a desire for worldly goods, but I will not yield to it. I know that in the taking of these things, I have set myself against You and Your holy laws. I have stolen from my fellow man, and I have stolen from Your Kingdom by keeping back for myself that which belonged to You; but no more! Everything I have is Yours, and I recognize You as my provider. Today, I will speak ONLY what you say. I will not lie against Your Truth. Your Word is central to my life, and I will not be unfaithful to You or my neighbor by offering a false confession. I will speak the truth in love, and I will not be deceptive in my dealings. I confess that I will not covet that which belongs to another, whether it be possessions, relationships, or status. I declare that I don’t need what they have because you are my all in all. Finally, I confess that I CAN do these things, but I can not do them on my own. I need Your grace and Your wisdom. You have promised to provide an abundance of both to those who ask in faith. I ask for your wisdom to guide me around the traps of my adversary today, and I receive it now in the Name of Jesus! I am crucified with Christ, and I am dead to the world. I love not the world or the things that are in the world. I will guard against the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eye, and the pride of life. Should I falter, fall, or fail in any of these areas, I will not wallow in condemnation or continue in my sin because I know that I serve a faithful High Priest who offers forgiveness to all who seek it by faith. I am a Christian. I am an overcomer, and I will see the blessing of God today. In the Name of Jesus, Amen! and Amen!
I decree that I will find continual reasons to pause and give God a shout of praise, for He alone is my salvation. I see past every element of opposition and find... View MoreTIME FOR A PRAISE BREAK! DECLARATION
I decree that I will find continual reasons to pause and give God a shout of praise, for He alone is my salvation. I see past every element of opposition and find a place of praise. May there be a shout in my mouth, rejoicing in my heart, dancing in my feet, and a clap in my hands. I decree that I am quick to fall on my knees in worship because I am covered with the blood of Christ, and I have been set free from all the bondges of the enemy. Whom the Son has set free is free indeed; and that's me and my family! Free from the curse of the law of sin and death, free from depression! Free from fear, anger, and worry! Free from my past! Free from all sickness and disease! Free from pain free from all the plans, schemes, and curses of the enemy! I decree that I am released into mighty and crazy praise to my king Jesus because He alone is worthy to be praised! I declare that nothing can steal my praise; no demon or evil spirit can steal my praise. No person or circumstance can rob my praise because no one and nothing can ever separate me from the love of God. I prophesy that I am impacted by sudden and overwhelming praises that well up from within because the hand of God is upon me continually pouring out His mighty love upon me and my family. I prophesy that I am given to pause from whatever I am doing and take time to praise every day of my life because the presence of the Lord is with me, around me, and in me at all times. I declare that I see all the reasons around me that spark my praise no matter what is going on around me. I decree that I shall see the glorious greatness of my God in every situation, and I will be overcome to pause and take a praise break! In the Mighty Name of Jesus Amen and Amen!
The Daily Decree
SCRIPTURE Great is the Lord and most worthy of praise; his greatness no one can fathom (Psalm 145:3 NIV).
Prayers That Change Your Spiritual Life
The “Commander of the Morning” Prayer
Father God, in the mighty name of Jesus, I rise early to declare Your lordship! I get under the covering and anointing o... View MorePrayers That Change Your Spiritual Life
The “Commander of the Morning” Prayer
Father God, in the mighty name of Jesus, I rise early to declare Your lordship! I get under the covering and anointing of the early riser. I come in agreement with the heavens to declare Your glory! Lord, release the mysteries unto me to bring heaven down to the earth. The stars (chief angels) are battling on my behalf ahead of time. My appointed times have been set by God in the heavens. I declare spermatic words that will make contact with the womb of the morning and make her pregnant. At sunrise, the dawn will give birth to the will of God, and light will shine on wickedness to shake it from the heavens. At twilight, my enemies will flee, and newly founded spoils will await me at my destination. My destiny is inevitable! O God, let my prayers meet you this morning. I command the morning to open its ears to me and hear my cry. Let conception take place that prayer will rain and be dispatched upon the earth to do Your will. I command the earth to get in place to receive heavenly instructions on my behalf. My lands are subdued! I command all the elements of creation to take heed and obey! As my praise resounds and the day breaks, the earth shall yield her increase unto me. I declare that the first light has come! The first fruit of my morning is holy, and the entire day will be holy. I prophesy the will of God to the morning so that the dayspring (dawn) will know its place in my days. I decree that the first light will shake wickedness from the four corners of the earth. The lines (my portion) are fallen on my behalf in pleasant (sweet, agreeable) places, and I have a secure heritage. I am strategically lined up with the ladder that touches the third heaven and sits on the earth. The angels are descending and ascending according to the words I speak. Whatever I bind or lose on the earth is already bound or loosed in heaven. Revelation, healing, deliverance, salvation, peace, joy, relationships, finances, and resources that have been demonically blocked are being loosed unto me now! It's being released unto me now and is transferring to every person I associate myself with. I am contagiously blessed! I am completely healed and made whole! Praise You, Lord Jesus!!!
As I command the morning and capture the day, time is being redeemed. The people of God have taken authority over the fourth watch of the day. The spiritual airways and highways are being hijacked for Jesus. The atmosphere of the airways over my family, my church, my community, my city, my state, my nation, the world, and me is producing a new climate. This new climate is constructing a godly stronghold in times of trouble. The thinking of people will be conducive to the agenda of the kingdom of heaven. Every demonic agenda, demonic stronghold, or evil thought pattern designed against the agenda of the kingdom of heaven is destroyed at the root of conception in Jesus’s mighty name! I come into agreement with the saints; as I have suffered violence, I take it by force! No longer will I accept anything that is dealt unto me in my days. I declare that the kingdom has come and the will of God will be done on Earth as it is in heaven. As the sun rises today, let it shine favorably upon the people and the purposes of God. Destiny is my portion daily because I have no thought for tomorrow. I am riding on the wings of the morning into a new day of victory. God, you separated the night and the day to declare my days, years, and seasons. I am the light of the earth, and I have been separated from darkness. I belong to Jesus, and His light declares my destiny in the mighty name of Jesus, Amen, and Amen!
By Kimberly Daniels
I declare that me and my family and I have godly and trusted friendships. I decree that every acquaintance or relationship in our lives that is not from God is interr... View MoreTRUSTED FRIENDSHIPS DECLARATION
I declare that me and my family and I have godly and trusted friendships. I decree that every acquaintance or relationship in our lives that is not from God is interrupted, disrupted, and removed from our lives in the Name of Jesus. I break the enemy’s power from planting any person in my life who has a wrong agenda or toxic behaviors. In Jesus’ Name, I break the powers of witchcraft from inserting the wrong people into our lives. I break the powers of abandonment, guilt, betrayal, rejection, and alienation from our souls. I prophesy that we possess within us the ability to trust others. I decree that we will always enjoy friendships with godly people who are trustworthy and reliable. May the Lord send the right people into me and my families lives so that we are surrounded by wholesome relationships that edify us and draw us closer to God. I decree and declare that we shall not live in loneliness and shall not ever feel that we don’t have supportive friends around us in our times of need. I declare that our lives are filled with trusted spiritual holy friendships that worship and seek God first in their lives, and we worship and fellowship together. Together, we work to make each other sharper and more knowledgeable in the things of God! In the Mighty Name of Jesus, I pray Amen and Amen.
The Daily Decree
SCRIPTURE Iron sharpens iron, so a man sharpens the countenance of his friend (Proverbs 27:17 MEV). WORD OF ENCOURAGEMENT The ability to find and build solid friendships in one’s life is something every person desires. No one wants to be surrounded by people they can’t trust. Betrayal has been a key element in why many people lack trust in others and often shy away from genuine and healthy relationships. God wants you to believe that He will send the right people into your life who will edify you, have your back, and, more importantly, pray for you. They will be those who won’t tear you down and take away from you, but rather sharpen you and make you a better person. If you’re carrying any lack of trust within because someone didn’t treat you correctly, then give it over to the Lord and begin to decree and have faith that God will begin bringing the right people along your path!
I decree over the nation of Israel the word, “Peace!” I speak peace, safety, and security over Israel. May every enemy set against them be disrupted,
interrupted and stopped... View MoreDECLARATION FOR ISRAEL
I decree over the nation of Israel the word, “Peace!” I speak peace, safety, and security over Israel. May every enemy set against them be disrupted,
interrupted and stopped from their evil intent. May the Lord cause Israel to retain all the land that is rightfully theirs. I pray that the nations would be at peace with Israel and that they would be free from unfair political maneuvers and agreements. I prophesy that a supernatural peace will come upon the citizens so that they live free from dread and fear. I declare that the Gospel shall go forth in Israel unhindered and with great success, and the word of God shall not return void. I pray that the Lord would cause His favor and blessings to be upon Israel and all who bless Israel. I prophesy that all who pray for Israel and bless Israel in any way God would cause their friends, neighbors, and even their enemies to see the unique and supernatural hand of God upon their lives. I decree that Israel and Jerusalem are prosperous, blessed, and safe in Jesus’ mighty Name! Amen and amen.
The Daily Decree
SCRIPTURE Pray for the peace of Jerusalem: they shall prosper that love thee (Psalm 122:6).
I decree that me and my family and I begin to experience the heavenly rains of the Spirit this month. May we encounter the outpouring of the Spirit that causes us to be re... View MoreHEAVENLY RAINS DECLARATION
I decree that me and my family and I begin to experience the heavenly rains of the Spirit this month. May we encounter the outpouring of the Spirit that causes us to be refreshed and transitioned into the next divine season for our lives. I declare that another fruitful season has come upon us, enabling us to do things and go places that we have not been before. I declare that our best season of growth begins to take place as a result of a spiritual, rainy, well-watered season. I prophesy that the rain of God removes the impurities, leftovers, and debris from the former season. I call for the visitation of God to fall upon us as the rain, allowing us to see the intentions of God’s heart, His mind, and His will. I speak against a spiritual drought, and I break the work of the devouring locust and cankerworm in Jesus’ mighty Name amen. I decree that we are transitioned out of the desert and into an oasis. I declare that we are able to see and hear God clearly just as we would distinctly hear the literal rain. I prophesy that God Himself comes and visits us as the rain! In the Mighty Name of Jesus, I pray Amen and Amen 🙏 🙌
SCRIPTURE Then shall we know, if we follow on to know the Lord: his going forth is prepared as the morning; and he shall come unto us as the rain, as the latter and former rain unto the earth (Hosea 6:3). B
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