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Kyle B

Male. Lives in United States. Born on January 4, 1977. Is single.
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Kyle B
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Kyle B
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Kyle B
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Anderson Cooper is related to the Rockefellers alot of celebs are related to Democrats Pelosi is cousin to Angelina Jolie child Disney star Bridget Midler her aunt Amy Schumer is related to chuck Sch... View More
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Shane 🇺🇲
I thought Anderson Cooper was a Vanderbilt.
July 10, 2022 Edited
Kyle B
Kyle B
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Chris Walter
Fuck Bill Gates
April 4, 2022
Kyle B
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Kyle B
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Glory Chapman
So, why haven't all of them been put to death yet?
April 4, 2022
Kyle B
Kyle B
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Jonny Crash
nothing it has everything to do with racism tho
April 4, 2022
Kyle B
Kyle B
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