@jillianmichaels #opencarrying #reactions
I GET THANKED, MOST OF THE TIME! @JillianMichaels #opencarry #concealcarry #reactions #templetx
In this video, I talk about the reactions I get while open carrying, and of course I give you my professional opinion about carrying laws, while riding around down town Temple. #jillianmicheals #car
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HAPPY NEW YEAR! #sundayshorts #newyear #happynewyear
For some reason, I still can't upload to YouTube Shorts, no matter what size my videos are. So you get a short video that's not on the YouTube shorts platform, me wishing you a happy new year. #happyn
WHY, IS THE QUESTION! @laurenboebertforcongress1569 #laurenboebert #why #reason @bakerXderek#mall
I know the videos are out of order, oops, but in this video I visit the closed mall and talk about why I'm still here when so many other are not, makes me wonder! @laurenboebertforcongress1569 @bak
@elisabethshue #beready #cashisking
CASH IS KING! #elisabethshue #beready #beprepared #cash #cashisking #survival
Just like the Boy Scouts, be prepared, be ready, tuck away as much cash as you can, cash if king when the shit hits the fan, the more cash you have the better off you will be. Check out my videos on h