Are these clowns doing their LARPing on the taxpayer dime or nah?
#patriotFront #Fedsurrection #Fed View More
That Creepy 'Patriot' Protest Group Is Back... And It Just Keeps Getting Weirder (VIDEO)
This 'protest' is more orchestrated than one of Biden's bowel movements... but we're supposed to believe it's 'grassroots'? Puh-leeze.
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John Arter
A group should get together and kick the s*** out of every one of them
Joe loves talking about his impact on black jobs, right?
#DEI #Biden #bidenomics #Media
Black Journalist Gets Caught Being Step-And-Fetch Lackey For Biden... Now Fired
After his massive debate failure, Corporate Media has shifted in their coverage of Joe Biden, and seem ready to throw him under the bus.
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Does Jack Smith even KNOW how screwed he is?
#JackSmith #Trump #DOJ #SCOTUS #Immunity
PRESIDENTIAL IMMUNITY: Leftist Hacks Have Been Freaking Out Over The Wrong Issue
If Dems and media hacks had actually READ the ruling before gaslighting us all about what's in it, they may have noticed a much bigger problem than the one they're trying to conjure up.
Leaving The 99
Have you noticed Jesus's first followers were not Hollywood A-listers, influencers, or captains of industry? They were rough-cussing fishermen, troublemakers and the contemptable insiders.
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CLASH POLL: Who Is Running The United States -- President 'She' Or President Xi?
With public support of Biden in free-fall, he'd be on his way out the door by now if the Establishment class were still calling the shots. So who's REALLY in charge?
Big Central Government v. The Individual
-- a parable from real life
#NASA #Boeing #boeingstarliner
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STUCK IN SPACE: A Real Life Parable Of Big Government And The Individual
On the surface, we've got a straightforward story about a space mission gone wrong. But that small story tells a much, MUCH bigger one, too.