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Derick Mccarrell
“There is no bigger public health crisis than the impact of censorship on Covid-19.” -Dr. Peter A. McCullough, MD, MPH
Derick Mccarrell
Derick Mccarrell
Derick Mccarrell
No joke. This tax season gonna be weird. Especially if you’re self employed. It’s time we monitor where politicians get their money.
Joey Casey
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Derick Mccarrell
Good morning friends, In this absolutely crazy upside down world we live in right now there is only 1 solution to ALL of our problems, JESUS! In his short 33 year life on earth, he conquered all sin ... View More
Derick Mccarrell
Note: Celebrity Privilege. If you’re not a celebrity or you don’t have deep pockets, you must comply. Sickening. Folks, it’s time to raise our voices. We must for our children’s sake, and for people w... View More
Derick Mccarrell
Imagine that. A procedure that WORKS and the Government takes over, slows and stalls distribution. Meanwhile the same Government repeats itself “Wear A Mask & Get Our Vaccine) 🤔 🤔 🤔 https://www.new... View More
Derick Mccarrell
Hell yeah! Stay armed
Derick Mccarrell
🤦‍♂️ What a great time to leave Fakebook!
Derick Mccarrell
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