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James A Estes
If the left believe so much in choice of sex and sexual orientation then what about race shouldn't we be allowed to choose what race we feel we are? Supposedly I'm Caucasian but I feel Native American
James A Estes
Free speech well that's subjective depends on the speech anything anti liberal has a price now seems like especially now that most of the media have become publicist's to the far left and prosecute an... View More
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James A Estes
How long before we all realize you can't win a rigged game the days that a vote mattered are gone another solution must be found either succession or revolution the day is nigh
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James A Estes
updated their profile photo.
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James A Estes
updated their cover photo.
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Tz Helzberg
Thank you for your service
March 25, 2022
James A Estes
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