In the news update, the s.f. chief said officers responded to a well check call.
What i need to know is who called them? Why would anybody wait till 2:27 in the morning to check on someone? I think p... View More
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Miss Vee
Yep!!! Like the fact that even though he was released from jail on his DUI on Memorial day, Paul Pelosi was re-arrested for child pornography on his cellphone and those crack pipes in the ashtray of his Porsche.
Zaret Monge
Maybe just little paranoid. Who else thinks pedo joe will get us into war, so he can declare state of emergency, so the mid term elections can't be held
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At this point anything could happen and I would not be one bit surprised.
So somebody tell me what's going on with suckerburg? Was just over on F.B. and the number of pro Trump ads has tripled. No fact checks. Kinda scary after all the push to erase him from social media... View More
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Ha Ha , the walk away campaign is working.. Fed up former Democrats are getting on board the Trump Train & posting anti Biden stuff.. I love it when a plan comes together..