The blocking of the mine reserves in Minnisota of Nickel, Kobalt, & copper makes us more reliant on communist China, This D.C. administration is Pro China & anti American, and threatens our national ... View MoreThe blocking of the mine reserves in Minnisota of Nickel, Kobalt, & copper makes us more reliant on communist China, This D.C. administration is Pro China & anti American, and threatens our national security, get the traitors out of D.C !
Our social security funds would be in better shape if it weren't for thieving Democrats like Pelosi that used "our" social security money to try & impeach duly elected President Trump. Leave "our" so... View MoreOur social security funds would be in better shape if it weren't for thieving Democrats like Pelosi that used "our" social security money to try & impeach duly elected President Trump. Leave "our" social security money alone thieving Democrats!
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