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Greg McCarty
Greg McCarty
Talk about hypocracy !
Greg McCarty
Canadian freedom hero's Proud to own these as fellow Canadian's . EH !
Greg McCarty
Greg McCarty
About Biblical Salvation what does it mean ?
Greg McCarty
I could not believe how anti -Trump people were before Biden even here in Canada if you were for Trump they actually hated you funny I don't seem to here to hear much of that now .EH
Greg McCarty
Greg McCarty
Health care really hurting because of political interference very sad when health care become's politically correct !
Greg McCarty
Welcome to the new world order watch out the thought police are listening to you and ready to terminate you . !
Greg McCarty
Greg McCarty
I'm thinking Trudeau doesn't notise a whole lot a slippage since he's been in power in Canada EH !
Greg McCarty
Vote Ontario party in June and help throw these arrogant freedom haters to the curb .
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