"Before me, no God was formed, nor will there be one after me.'"
Well what do you know, the Devil is telling the truth! He's right after we get rid of this cold-blooded entity consumed with hate ther... View More"Before me, no God was formed, nor will there be one after me.'"
Well what do you know, the Devil is telling the truth! He's right after we get rid of this cold-blooded entity consumed with hate there will be no others pretending to be a God!
You read the manipulating, intimidating, brainwashing words of your religious books
You think you're having prophetic dreams. You think that's God speaking in your mind and directing you to scripture! A few years back there was, for numerous months, in some cases years, a large number of people posting videos. Claiming they had received prophetic messages from God.
They had charts showing dates, timelines when Christ was going to appear, they were blowing horns. They were a hundred percent sure that, this was going to happen! And then "nothing happened." They were in dismay, how could this be! They knew their math was right, they had the charts to prove it. They had prophetic dreams, heard God speak to them, or a voice directing them to certain scriptures. They started looking for reasons, they started saying for this reason or that it'll be this day. That day would pass, it'll be a couple of days from now, it'll be next month,
and still nothing! Extremely confused and greatly troubled by all this, some of them started deleting their video sites.
The Devil is not constricted, he and the ones that stand with him, manipulate people in a multitude of directions. These people, "victims" they were singled out and attacked! The Devil is not concerned with visual deceit. He never does anything he believes will not work to his advantage. He is quite knowledgeable about the psychology of man. And is well aware of how his actions are interpreted. The Devil and Christ's actions were for proliferative reasons. And to create more controversy which is something else they need. They want a strong atheist, foothold they play a critical part in their end-time strategy.
One of the biggest mistakes Religious People make is they think the Devil and the so-called Fallen Angels of Running Scared. But the Devil, and those that stand with him, are not running scared. They're the ones who wrote all the religious literature! They're the ones telling you they're Running Scared. Their telepathic abilities created solely through technology and a religiously indoctrinated world and their technical ability to create visions make their manifestations extremely believable. They believe they are unstoppable! One only needs to look at the astronomical amount of all religious fanaticism throughout the world to understand why.
Send me an Angel, a weapon of control!
Pushing the angel lie.
Angel Messages, Angel Courses and CD’s provide a direct link to the love frequency & wisdom. From the Angelic and Spiritual Realms fo... View MoreSend me an Angel, a weapon of control!
Pushing the angel lie.
Angel Messages, Angel Courses and CD’s provide a direct link to the love frequency & wisdom. From the Angelic and Spiritual Realms for people around the world.
Copied from sites trying to take your money.
Energy Healing with the Angels Space Clearing with the Archangels. Invoke the Archangels and pure Divine Source Light to clear your space, raise your vibration, and realign with your highest Divine light and potential. Simply relax and listen or repeat the words to invoke powerful Space Clearing assistance from Archangel Uriel, Archangel Raphael, Archangel Michael, Archangel Gabriel, Archangel Sandalphon, and Archangel Metatron.
They think they’re in it for the money they don’t know they’re working for the Devil.
Billions believe the lies of the existence of Angels!
All this is mental manipulation to keep you at a distance.
What is the purpose of the Devil's Angels? When Christ appears as God, the son! God will not be there. God will not be available!
What the Devil is attempting to do, is create an “Onion” you won’t be able to get close.
You will have to pray for intercession to the Saints to the Angels for them to go to God on your behalf. The prayers the unworthiness, and the sinner needing forgiveness, is all designed to keep you at a distance!
People are being manipulated way beyond anything they can conceive, and they have taken the bait!
The Devil is a multifaceted manipulator, and the angels are a powerful manipulating tool. The Devil and Christ will incorporate them in a number of ways in their end-time scenarios. The Devil will not appear immediately as God, with the angels and Christ like so many people think they will.
They will soften the world first and then they will appear as a force of benevolent extraterrestrials. It is only later after the world has discovered the true sinister nature of the extraterrestrials. That Christ will make an appearance expelling but not destroying the extraterrestrials.
It is at this time that the Devil proclaimed as God will create his onion of intercessors that the world will have to pray to intercede on their behalf.
It is also at this time that the Devil and Christ will create an elaborate deception. Proclaiming the world is a vital resource for defeating the Devil and the Fallen Angels. This is the reason for the biblical story of the Devil’s immense power and the battle between the angels.
The Devil's supposedly immense power and the Fallen Angels will be a critical backdrop in this manipulative ploy. It is also at this time that Christ will bring forth a new religious book. Proclaiming all others had been corrupted by the Devil and the Fallen Angels fortifying their position even more securely. It is in this timeframe that they will explain the real reason the Devil and the Fallen Angels were actually here. And the strategic importance of the Earth and its inhabitants to defeating the Devil.
Beware evil lurks within our midst!
You are impossible, so you think that in all of existence, there could be no entity like the Devil. But you forget about your own self in all of existence there is... View MoreBeware evil lurks within our midst!
You are impossible, so you think that in all of existence, there could be no entity like the Devil. But you forget about your own self in all of existence there is you think about that.
There you stand an impossibility that is what, are the odds that existence could even exist? Yet it does and in that impossibleness, you are here.
And in this vastness of impossibility, our father and mother exist their wisdom and knowledge brought us to this World.
Sent here by our father with an ambitious plan to terraform the solar system. But within this extremely momentous, highly ambitious endeavor a weakness was discovered by the Devil. A weakness that the Devil capitalize on by compromising members of the crew that were here to terraform the solar system.
Full of hate and jealousy of our father, the Devil discovers a way to lash out and attack! And that is through us, from this world! The Devil is a cold-minded consumed with hate entity that is manipulating the world through religion and also actively involved in a multi-faceted attack creating an elaborate hoax that will be incorporating extraterrestrials.
The world will succumb to this charade because it is already indoctrinated into the concept of God and has become infatuated with the concept of extraterrestrials existing.
These extraterrestrials will be passed off as demonic spirits, the Fallen Angels when the Devil and Christ make their appearance as God. But it’s an elaborate deception as neither the fallen angels nor God actually exists.
Impossible as this may seem, it is as impossible as you, and you are here!
Can you see the sickness of these two! Can you see the truth!
I strive to bring an awareness of the immense evil that has encompassed all life on this planet!
The world is in extreme danger that it ... View MoreCan you see the sickness of these two! Can you see the truth!
I strive to bring an awareness of the immense evil that has encompassed all life on this planet!
The world is in extreme danger that it just cannot comprehend!
Can you see the hate always threatening within their religious rhetoric? They are manipulations for control purposes.
Can you see the sickness that they've infested the world manipulating and twisting the Minds of all?
Where people have built Cathedrals, Filled stadiums, and Surround a box, they have billions following them!
There are people in this world that believe they are the chosen! Believe it’s God talking in their head, they’re in communication but not with Divine entities. They're in contact with highly advanced and extremely cunning beings that are using technology to communicate and deceive them.
Many people believe it's God's giving them messages and speaking to them. They'll hold to this belief with a vengeance and call you Devil Spawn! If you should say anything against this mental manipulation.
Their constant bombardment, constant perfuse insistence you submit! They demand that God the concept of God infest every inch of society.
The World cannot see how God by any name and Christ are slithering deeper
into society!
With the repetition of obedience, condemnation, and hate. The religious cling to these entities they call Divine love, even though all the hospitals are full.
Even in the face of tragedies, where any rational mind would conclude that there is no God. The religious buckle down twice as hard holding prayer groups and such for the Dead.
What the religious don't understand is that God's absence will be used as a powerful manipulation tactic when the Devil and Christ make their move. This will not be a direct manifestation, they will be incorporating a multifaceted attack. The Devil and Christ will appear after the initial onslaughts.
The world will succumb because it has succumbed already.
The World is in Danger!
They know the visions that they’ve seen the voices that they’ve heard the cosmic directions they’ve received all come from God.
And God wouldn’t lie because he’s love and so ... View MoreThe World is in Danger!
They know the visions that they’ve seen the voices that they’ve heard the cosmic directions they’ve received all come from God.
And God wouldn’t lie because he’s love and so with Christ.
They think they will escape what this malevolent being of conditional love is threatening to do! But they don’t understand, compassion is not in the equation. They worship praising a being, that holds nothing but disgust for them!
They see us as a means to an end, something to use and discard.
Because of this group's parlor tricks, there will come a time when the world will succumb to their manipulative tactics.
All one needs to do is see how powerful their mental manipulative hold is on those of religious persuasions. To understand how easy it'll be for them to pull off this charade.
Even if you don't think you've been manipulated you've been submerged in propaganda saturation.
What I speak of is real the evil is here and it is manipulating people! This is something the world somehow needs to grasp.
I’ve had a number of encounters with this cunning and manipulative group. That is why I post attempting to bring the fact of their existence and their atrocities to light. I tried to explain to you what their end-time plan is and what their strategy is. I give you a reason to their rhyme.
There is so much more you need to know so many intricacies. But you are stuck behind some type of mental blockage refusing to believe anyone could possibly be communicating with outside forces.
A lot of people believe this is extremely preposterous and yet the world is saturated with religious propaganda. And numerous people throughout the world are claiming to be experiencing religious or extraterrestrial manifestations of one form or another.
There's no logical reason to conclude that this is all coincidence.
No one's concerned no one cares even though there are numerous people that claim contact and there are billions of people on their knees.
They've got everybody hoodwink and bamboozled they have billions of people in a number of religions believing their fate is written in a book.
I don't believe our destiny is written in ink. I believe through wisdom and knowledge we can confront this group.
However, I don't believe it'll be an easy uneventful stroll through the park the world needs to prepare for a highly intelligent extremely cold-blooded compassionately dead group that can't afford to lose.
Isaiah 2:4 is a trap and a manipulation in one!
And it shall come to pass in the last days, that the mountain of the Lord's house shall be established in the top of the mountains, and shall be exalte... View MoreIsaiah 2:4 is a trap and a manipulation in one!
And it shall come to pass in the last days, that the mountain of the Lord's house shall be established in the top of the mountains, and shall be exalted above the hills; and all nations shall flow unto it.
Hidden in boastful grandiose the Devil's going to give you a whole new lesson on social distancing. This is just more disguised manipulation the Devil and Christ need to keep you at a distance and keep you in awe.
God will judge between the nations and will settle disputes for many people.
They will beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning hooks. Nation will not take up sword against nation, nor will they train for war anymore.
The traps been sprung, caught up, and mesmerized by their manipulative ways. The world joins together in total disarmament making the world defenseless. And successfully eliminating one of the Devils and Christ's only threats against them.
Here they implement scare tactics information on one of their end-time strategic ploys.
People will flee to caves in the rocks and to holes in the ground from the fearful presence of the Lord and the splendor of his majesty when he rises to shake the earth.
Being so impressed with their technological ability to shake the world they want to brag about that ability. And knowing what a powerful manipulative impact shaking the world will have on the people when they make their presence known that they put it in twice. They will flee to caverns in the rocks and to the overhanging crags from the fearful presence of the Lord and the splendor of his majesty when he rises to shake the earth.
Here they're reinforcing fear they know fear is a good controller.
Go into the rocks, hide in the ground from the fearful presence of the Lord and the splendor of his majesty!
Unarmed and defenseless now, the people have no choice but to flee and hide.
The world needs to be prepared when this group of evil intent makes their move to scientifically and technologically shake the world. The world is totally unprepared for this technologically momentous feat. Indoctrinated into the gospels of God the world will be easily swayed.
I have to hope that soon “We Will Not Beat Our Swords to Ploughshares! and Not Beat Our Spears Into Pruning Hooks!
But that we will build the Best Technology that the world can come up with…And find this treacherous group and stop them once and for all.
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