Writer. Coffee drinker. Cat herder.
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New Sword & Sorcery Roundup is...up! Send links, promos, blog posts, interviews, new projects, etc. any time!
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Covers Revealed! Find us on Kickstarter and back the antho to get one or both volumes of western horror: Monster Fight at the O.K. Corral. (30 stories!)
https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/lyndonper... View More
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This week's S&S Roundup. New projects? Let me know!
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A bit of motivation from Boom Travel & Wellness to get back on track and start exercising!
Exercise: Getting Back on Track
travel wellness fitness transformation boomer
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The latest S&S Roundup is up! News and links always welcome.
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#FreeFictionFriday flash sci-fi story today. Enjoy!
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Latest S&S Roundup is live!
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Nice recent review of my Sword of Otrim novel (published 2020). I just reread it myself and need to write the sequel!
A solid fantasy with a unique character and a nonconventional structure. In his back cover blurb, the author refers to this book as epic fantasy, but I...
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This week's latest links and news in S&S is up.
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