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Lyn Perry

Lives in Puerto Rico. Is married.
About Me
Writer. Coffee drinker. Cat herder.
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Artist, Band or Public Figure » Writer
Lyn Perry
Both volumes of "Monster Fight at the O.K. Corral" are available as e-books from Amazon (free in KU). Paperbacks coming next month. Thank you, Kickstarter Backers, for helping launch this project! ht... View More
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Lyn Perry
New Sword & Sorcery Roundup is...up! Send links, promos, blog posts, interviews, new projects, etc. any time! https://tulefogpress.substack.com/p/s-and-s-roundup-23
Lyn Perry
One week left! Help us reach our stretch goal and every backer gets a project-adjacent e-book anthology - "A Fistful of Hollers!" ;-) Fun times ahead mixed in with horror and the macabre of the Weird ... View More
Lyn Perry
Covers Revealed! Find us on Kickstarter and back the antho to get one or both volumes of western horror: Monster Fight at the O.K. Corral. (30 stories!) https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/lyndonper... View More
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Lyn Perry
This week's S&S Roundup. New projects? Let me know! https://tulefogpress.substack.com/p/s-and-s-roundup-15
Lyn Perry
A bit of motivation from Boom Travel & Wellness to get back on track and start exercising! https://www.boomtravelandwellness.com/2023/04/exercise-getting-back-on-track.html
Lyn Perry
The latest S&S Roundup is up! News and links always welcome. https://tulefogpress.substack.com/p/s-and-s-roundup-14
Lyn Perry
Lyn Perry
Lyn Perry
Nice recent review of my Sword of Otrim novel (published 2020). I just reread it myself and need to write the sequel! https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/5449698712
Lyn Perry
Proud to release a two-book post-apocalyptic sci-fi fantasy (genetic plague scenario) by Charles Allen Gramlich titled "Razored Land: Crimson Sacrifice" (Book 1) and "Razored Land: Blackest of Hates" ... View More
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Lyn Perry
This week's latest links and news in S&S is up. https://tulefogpress.substack.com/p/s-and-s-roundup-12
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