I love to learn and read. I am a Dog lover and have an English chocolate Lab! I am a consultant w... View More
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Leah Ann Prida
Del Bigtree of the highwire shows what happens to his blood on a slide after the “vaccines” were added to the blood on the slide. We already know they cause blood... View More
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Theres no way in hell that Pfizer and Maderna didn't know about this, and they released this poison on the population INTENTIONALLY. ROUND THESE BASTARDS UP AND HANG EVERY DAMN ONE OF THEM! Including all the doctors and hospital execs who took their government blood money.
LIVE @7PM: WARNING: Aviation Disaster Imminent As Pilots Die On Takeoff
On today’s Dr. Jane Ruby Show, Dr Jane tries to warn the public that we are out of time in the aviation industry because jabbed pilots are falling over on takeoff, during flight and on landing along w
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World Premiere: Died Suddenly
Why do we never believe them? For centuries, the global elite have broadcast their intentions to depopulate the world - even to the point of carving them into stone. And yet… we never seem to believe
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New documentary called died suddenly is coming out 11/21 maybeJase will share it with everyone on here?
Kim Dotcom on Twitter
I will watch the documentary ‘Died Suddenly’ this November. Use the hashtag #DiedSuddenly if you know someone who died suddenly after taking the #Covid19 vaccine and share their story. Follow @Die
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