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DC Collins RN

Male. Lives in Tacoma, WA, United States. Born on November 27, 1961. Is divorced.
About Me
RN. 10 years in the ED - can we say burnout? Now a happy jail nurse.
Night Shifters Gone Bad
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United States Constitution
DC Collins RN
My first day here at Wimkin. I just got a courtesy notice that, paraphrased, “since Wimkim is feature heavy, my connection may not be good enough.” Well, I have the highest speed Xfinity, and I’m the... View More
DC Collins RN
I am hoping that in future updates, the backpage icon, or anything in the top left or top right, is more responsive. I counted once, I had to hit the button 34 times to get it to respond. I know it’s ... View More
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DC Collins RN
Brand newby to Wimkin here. Since the menus seem to be very different between the app and the webpage, how do you search for groups that you have already joined within the app? Thanks in advance for a... View More
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