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Cultural Contrarian

Male. Lives in Kimberton, Pennsylvania, United States. Is married.
About Me
I am a law abiding citizen who is passionate about being free. Helping others to learn how to stand ... View More
Cultural Contrarian
Here is a quick overview of what has happened to me and Officer Falgiatore. https://youtu.be/vkmXuycgW84
Cultural Contrarian
What should law enforcement do to help victims in contrast to what they do is drastically different. Remove the word "should" from any statements involving public servants.
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Cultural Contrarian
Opening an Extortion Letter at my local police department. I have to record as Police deny records requests to furnish video. This was Corporal Weaver of East Pikeland Police Department (Pennsylv... View More
Cultural Contrarian
I posted this on Parler, just attempting to pierce the consciousness of the masses. The video is found at this link.
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Cultural Contrarian
I've attempted to engage here, but for some reason my fight for freedom doesn't resonate. I am sharing a video of an Affidavit of Facts that is being sent to my local Board of Supervisors and Chief o... View More
Cultural Contrarian
The Truth v Narrative which the public has proven they don't care and are willing to use their taxes to pay restitution. https://youtu.be/wENXDrRmIqY
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