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The Anti-Science Left Doesn’t Want You Asking Questions
By Candace Owens
Twenty weeks ago, I did something brave. I told the truth. I talked about some of the symptoms that many women said they were experiencing after taking the vaccine — before the Ministry of Truth said we could.
Conspiracy theorist. Liar. Anti-vaxxer causing vaccine hesitancy. That’s what I — or anyone who dared ask questions — was called.
Even actual doctors began saying things that made no sense. Dr. Paula Hillard, a pediatric and adolescent gynecologist at Stanford Children’s Health, said “it’s biologically implausible that the vaccine can impact menstrual cycles or fertility.”
Universal gaslighting.
But now, it’s 20 weeks later and guess what? The NIH is looking into the trend themselves. Because it’s happening a lot. So much so that they’re now ordering a $1.6 million study into how covid vaccines impact menstrual cycles.

The Anti-Science Left Doesn’t Want You Asking Questions
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They commissioned the study 4 months after I did a monologue on it. Their reason for the delay? Because it wasn’t a priority for them.
People like NICHD director Diana Bianchi say that changes to menstruation are “not a life or death issue”. So they allowed women to be gaslit for months online — censored by fact-checkers because it wasn’t a priority for them to look into the issue. Disparaging labels were slapped on any woman who shared the truth about what they were experiencing, because after all, “experts say there is no evidence that the vaccines impact fertility.”
“No evidence.” Yeah, because they weren’t looking into any evidence, but were instead actively censoring the overwhelming amount of anecdotal evidence — because it could have caused vaccine hesitancy.
I want you to really consider how bizarre and fundamentally dishonest the discussions around the side effects and adverse events of the covid vaccine are.
Imagine you’re driving a brand new Toyota off the lot and suddenly, the steering wheel locks and you get into a car accident. So you go on Facebook and you post about what happened to you.
Would there be comments saying, “experts say there is no evidence linking locked steering wheels to the new Toyota”?
Of course not. That would never happen. If vaccines were cars, every single one of them would be recalled based on the “exceedingly rare” reactions that some people are having.
Like the 16-year-old boy in Singapore who suffered a heart attack 6 days after getting the Pfizer vaccine. The media rushed to tell us that it was because he was weightlifting and taking supplements. He just won a six-figure settlement from his government, who are now acknowledging that what happened to him was a direct result of the vaccine.
But don’t worry, that reaction is exceedingly rare.
Like the 22-year-old girl, Imogen Allen, from the U.K. — a champion showjumper who may never ride horses again because of blood clots that formed in her lungs after she received the Moderna vaccine. She is currently bedridden and will have to be on blood thinners for the rest of her life. Doctors believe the reaction may have been triggered by the vaccine mixing with her contraceptive pills.
But don’t worry guys, this reaction is exceedingly rare.
Do you know what’s also exceedingly rare? Healthy teenagers and young adults dying from Covid. But we’re not allowed to say that — that could cause vaccine hesitancy.
You’ll have to imagine my surprise then when Rapper Nicki Minaj shared an anecdote about someone she knew through a family member in Trinidad who claimed to have developed swollen testicles after getting the vaccine. She encouraged people to do their research.
The reaction to Minaj encouraging others to look information up for themselves was nothing short of extraordinary. Journalists attacked her viciously.
“She’s a liar!” they said, without asking her a single question. The truth had already been decided upon.
“She’s peddling lies that will cost lives!” That’s what Piers Morgan had to say. In his mind, Nicki Minaj is a murderer, because she shared one anecdote.
And I’m sure somewhere in the world a doctor is calling a testicular reaction “biologically implausible”.
I’m not a doctor or a Big Pharma propagandist, so I did something crazy and listened to Nicki Minaj. I listened to her the way I listened to the many women who told me they were having menstruation issues related to the covid vaccine.
And it turns out that Nicki is not the first person to report on men suffering an adverse testicular response to the vaccine. In fact, the United Kingdom government’s website published a 98 page summary of various suspected reactions to the Covid-19 vaccine as reported by the general public. And on page 81, they have recorded a total of 54 reactions relating to testicular disorders — swelling, pain, and discomfort included.
Again, I’m not a doctor — but it doesn’t take much of an imagination to hypothesize that whatever is lending to women having menstruation issues may also be lending to some men having testicular issues.
I want to be very clear here though that there is no evidence linking the vaccines to testicular issues.
Until they decide to look into it, it doesn’t exist. So today, Nicki Minaj is an anti-vax conspiracy theorist. But in 20 weeks?
I don’t know. We’ll see what happens.
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Candace Owens
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