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CoronaDRAMA SCAMdemic
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Covid-19 and Coronavirus
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Wichtig, über die so genannten "RKI-Files": === Multipolar veröffentlicht freigeklagte RKI-Protokolle im Original Die von unserem Magazin freigeklagten Protokolle des Krisenstabs des Robert Koch-Insti... View More
US Marine Corps Officer Scott Ritter Reveals TRUTH About Ukraine. This conflict goes back to 1945. This is war between the US and Russia using Ukraine as cannon fodder. Ukraine has unnecessary lost li... View More
I would like to introduce you to a possibly revolutionary musical development - classical music in 432 hertz, AND correctly or "naturally" tuned (so called "open fifths")! Just listen for yourself - ... View More
"How can I wake up my friends and family" This is important as most of us had to go through this and this helped me somewhat, so here it is: ===== "How can I wake up my friends and family" https://www... View More
The following is a possible colitis cure, it is a combination of breathing normalization https://normalbreathing.com and the oil-protein-diet by Dr. Johanna Budwig http://www.healingcancernaturally... View More
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There is a woman or I would rather call her a superheroine named "Jane Bürgermeister" who already back in 2009 EXACTLY predicted what would happen from 2020 to now, she described EXACTLY what would ha... View More
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