Wichtig, über die so genannten "RKI-Files":
Multipolar veröffentlicht freigeklagte RKI-Protokolle im Original
Die von unserem Magazin freigeklagten Protokolle des Krisenstabs des Robert Koch-Insti... View MoreWichtig, über die so genannten "RKI-Files":
Multipolar veröffentlicht freigeklagte RKI-Protokolle im Original
Die von unserem Magazin freigeklagten Protokolle des Krisenstabs des Robert Koch-Instituts (RKI) werden nun für alle zugänglich gemacht. Die mehr als 200 Dokumente sind in erheblichem Umfang durch das RKI geschwärzt. Gegen die Schwärzungen klagen wir aktuell. Wir laden alle interessierten Journalisten zur Mitrecherche ein.
REDAKTION, 20. März 2024
US Marine Corps Officer Scott Ritter Reveals TRUTH About Ukraine. This conflict goes back to 1945. This is war between the US and Russia using Ukraine as cannon fodder. Ukraine has unnecessary lost li... View MoreUS Marine Corps Officer Scott Ritter Reveals TRUTH About Ukraine. This conflict goes back to 1945. This is war between the US and Russia using Ukraine as cannon fodder. Ukraine has unnecessary lost lives in an unwinnable war. Please watch. Please share.
US Marine Corps Officer Scott Ritter Reveals TRUTH About Ukraine
Scott Ritter is a former United Nations Weapons Inspector and US Marine Corps Intelligence Officer with extensive knowledge of Ukraine and Russia history. Today we explore the problems with the Russia
I would like to introduce you to a possibly revolutionary musical development - classical music in 432 hertz, AND correctly or "naturally" tuned (so called "open fifths")!
Just listen for yourself - ... View MoreI would like to introduce you to a possibly revolutionary musical development - classical music in 432 hertz, AND correctly or "naturally" tuned (so called "open fifths")!
Just listen for yourself - IMHO VERY well invested 20 minutes - please use your best headphones (holberg suite):
Isn't this exquisite?
I think, if you can listen through this and remain emotionally unaffected, you are probably a stone ;-)
(or have VERY bad sound equipment)
So why is 432 hertz AND the correct tuning so important? Read about it here:
The difference to other, "wrongly tuned" versions of the holberg suite from my point of view aka my personal impression:
...your version of the holberg suite just oozes emotion, it touches the heart, it “has something” all other versions lack, at least the ones I heard so far and I listened to many by now...your version just seems to directly touch the heart and the “emotional content” that the music is supposed to carry gets through unfiltered, while the other versions somehow seem filtered, they “dont get through”, as if they have some sort of veil covered over them, or as if there is some sort of “barrier” in them. Some of these other recordings might have been “technically” a –>littlebit<—superior to your version, at least partly, but still, this “technical perfection” could NOT lift this “mysterious veil”!!
So, I can listen through other versions and can remain emotionally quite unaffected, but I CANNOT do so with your version, and I think, this “says something”...
Here an interesting description how Ivan Yanakiev fell for 432 Hertz music:
The first time Ivan Yanakiev heard an instrument tuned to 432 Hertz, he says, it was like he'd heard God speak.
In the men's dressing room at the Musical Drama Theatre Konstantin Kisimov in Veliko Tarnovo, Bulgaria, Yanakiev, a young, National Academy-schooled conductor, had his friend, Velimir, tune his cello down eight Hz from the standard A=440Hz. They were arranging an experiment.
Velimir, "a skilled cellist," Yanakiev told me, started in on the prelude to Bach's "Cello Suite No. 1 in G major."
"So, la, si, so, si so, si, so/ So, la, si, so, si, so, si, so," Yanakiev sings to illustrate. It's one of the most often performed and well known pieces by Bach, but in that backroom rendition, transposed not even a half of a piano key lower, the song sounded fresh and exciting.
"It was a channelling of pure light and love that vibrated through the whole room," he said. "It was new. It was brilliant."
In November 2013, along with Alexandros Geralis, Yanakiev cofounded the 432 Orchestra. The group is comprised of 12 string players, some borrowed from the best professional ensembles in the country, and is led by the two conductors, all of whom work for no more than goodwill to explore and profess the power of that particular frequency. So far, they've made two recordings and they're fundraising to take their show on the road, hoping to concert throughout Europe.
Yanakiev is resolute: "432 Hz is a vibration that has to be spread around the world." For him, it's not just pleasant to the ear; it's a profound key capable of unlocking mysteries on the level of consciousness itself.
So - if you realize it or not, since ca. the 1950s we might have been plunged into a dark age of music, because of the advent of 440 hertz music and the "modern tuning" system!!!
IMHO they STOLE the music from us, they CRIPPLED our music!!!!
This is why I think it is SO important to support this particular orchestra.
Please become a patron at patreon.com,
or just search for 432 there, or donate at their main site!
Please note that the 432 chamber orchestra is the FIRST AND ONLY chamber orchestra IN THE WORLD which has tuned its instruments to 432 Hertz AND uses a "natural" tuning system!!!
If this orchestra becomes successful, it might very well inspire other orchestras to switch to 432 hertz and a better, more natural tuning system, which might lead to a revival of classical music as a whole (classical music is currently in STEEP decline!!!), and as a result all music might somewhen be switched to 432 Hertz and better, more natural tuning systems, which might lead to the dawn of a new golden age of music and have a very positive influence on society as a whole!!!
This is why I think there is a lot more at stake here than just the fate of "another chamber orchestra"!
Please forward this information if you think this is important :-)
Thank you!
P.S.:Why is correct tuning so important? Please listen to this:
There exists a book about correct tuning, called
"How Equal Temperament Ruined Harmony (and Why You Should Care)" by Ross W. Duffin:
Please note the title says RUINED - and not "changed for the worse" or something - RUINED!!!!!
P.P.S.: Please note that 99,9999% of the so called 432 Hertz music for example on youtube was just slowed down by a computer, or "repitched". But it is not THAT simple...ALL instruments have to be tuned in 432 hertz AND tuned in a natural tuning system BEFORE recording, and THEN it must be recorded "originally" if it should be "REAL" 432 hertz music!!!
I am not saying that ALL 432 hertz music on youtube is lacking or "bad" - SOME pieces are REALLY good, even if they were created by a computer or "synthetically", for example on a keyboard and reprocessed by a computer etc..
432 Chamber Orchestra - "Aus Holberg's Zeit"
If you want to help the 432 chamber orchestra to produce more music like this, please support the orchestra by becoming a patron at
https://www.patreon.com/432chamberorchestra For a single donation,
"How can I wake up my friends and family"
This is important as most of us had to go through this and this helped me somewhat, so here it is:
"How can I wake up my friends and family"
https://www... View More"How can I wake up my friends and family"
This is important as most of us had to go through this and this helped me somewhat, so here it is:
"How can I wake up my friends and family"
The following is a possible colitis cure, it is a combination of breathing normalization
and the oil-protein-diet by Dr. Johanna Budwig
http://www.healingcancernaturally... View MoreThe following is a possible colitis cure, it is a combination of breathing normalization
and the oil-protein-diet by Dr. Johanna Budwig
(it does "not only" work for cancer, but for a lot of other ailments as well!)
https://normalbreathing.com improves the entire body oxygenation for each and every cell and the latter makes sure that the body cells can respire properly aka it greatly improves CELLULAR respiration, see
This jumpstarts peristalsis and the immune system, therefore normalizing the entire digestion system, see Dr. Artour Rakhimovs book “Crohn's Disease and Colitis: Hidden Triggers and Symptoms” (Crohn's Disease and Ulcerative Colitis Books) ISBN-13: 978-1493551125
The combination of these two methods SHOULD work brilliantly for colitis and a longer list of various other ailments, however, please use these methods exactly as described in Dr. Artour Rakhimovs / Dr. Buteykos / Dr. Budwigs books. Dr. Rakhimov wrote a book specifically about Colitis, but this should work for all sorts of other similar illnesses as well like IBS (Irritable bowel syndrome), IBD (Inflammatory bowel disease), Reflux (GERD), Morbus Crohn (Crohns disease), Gastritis, diverticulitis, colon cancer and so on.
A good breathing training device is supposed to be the so called “Samozdrav Comfort”, but you can also do it without any training device, theoretically, at least, so basically, the breathing method is completely free of any cost.
Another "component" of these methods is that you should stay away from bad (oxidized) and altered PUFAs, see
Dr. Chris A. Knobbe "Diseases of Civilization: Are Seed Oil Excesses the Unifying Mechanism?'
Always use organic, cold pressed, highest quality flaxseed oil and make sure that you use a wine vacuum sealer immediately after you retrieved the oil. Then store the bottle inside the fridge.
If you suffer from colitis, you can also incline your bed
for some additional benefits
ONLY use squatting for defection see
Oh and if you have any bowel disease, also inform yourself about the benefits of MSM (methylsulfonylmethane) for healing the guts, you could also call it "organic sulfur", it is a harmless substance which is very good for curing gut / intestinal based diseases (like leaky gut syndrome) and for permanently removing parasites like worms etc. from the intestines. Dr. Budwig also recommended it (sulphur) for curing gut based diseases in some of her books!
Also inform yourself about a substance called "xylitol" which can be used as a sugar substitute and which is harmless and able to also remove pathogens from the intestines for example most "bad bacteria"! It also reduces caries to virtually zero, btw, if you use it to flush your teeth with it.
If you know someone who suffers from the mentioned diseases, please forward this information to him or her, as he or she will most likely never hear this information from anyone else, as this is almost unknown “here in the west”, so you should get the idea that this is really important information!!
#colitis cure
#cure colitis
There is a woman or I would rather call her a superheroine named "Jane Bürgermeister" who already back in 2009 EXACTLY predicted what would happen from 2020 to now, she described EXACTLY what would ha... View MoreThere is a woman or I would rather call her a superheroine named "Jane Bürgermeister" who already back in 2009 EXACTLY predicted what would happen from 2020 to now, she described EXACTLY what would happen and described exactly what really happened so far from 2020 to now, please read the last sentence again if you did not understand what I just said. Please note that of course her predictions referred to the 2009 swine flu "pandemic", but what she described back then is EXACTLY what happened since 2020, just to make sure that you understand me correctly:
It is unfortunate that many or most of you cannot speak german, but this is exactly what she says in this video, I listened to it myself.
At least I found a ca. 6 minute clip from the german video which has (quite crappy, but sufficient) english subtitles:
detailing a small part of her german video. The subtitle translation itself is relatively sh*tty, but for the most part correct, of course it also contains "the usual" errors and omissions by whoever was the translator.
There is also an english followup video from 2010 which miraculously somehow survived at Google (Youtube) (?!) to this very day:
Please also read the following text to find out what happened next:
Here you can read a general article about Jane Bürgermeister, which does not say very much unfortunately and which does not repeat her exact predictions she gave in the german video I mentioned above:
Here a more detailed article about Jane Bürgermeister:
At least these are some other english sources of information regarding her. I guess a lot of stuff, if not most about her, was scrubbed from the Internet, especially her blog(s) and internet sites.
Seems like she and a few other individual heros like her (like Mr. Wolfgang Wodarg, at least as far as I heard) saved us from the planned swine flu "vaccination" genocide of 2009 (which was planned to happen exactly as the 2020 coronavirus "pandemic") and therefore gained us 11 years. Unfortunately now we have to endure all this sh*t with 11 years delay.
Please note that in the german video she very briefly talks about "microchips" which were, according to her, supposed to be contained in the "vaccination" (in the 2009 "vaccination" already!), I personally would doubt this, as it seems that the technology was not advanced enough back then and is probably not advanced enough now, but as I am no expert in this field, I cannot confirm or deny it.
If you can dig up more english information about M(r)s Jane Bürgermeister, please compile it and share it!!!
Please share and distribute this information, as this is clear proof that all this was planned for a long, long time already!!!
#coronavirus #covid19 #covid-19 #covid #janebürgermeister #janeburgermeister
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