Allow me to introduce myself . I am Charles Goedicke. A free american . Born free . I have lived free all of my life in free the united states. As a free american it is my choice . NOT To vaccinate ... View MoreAllow me to introduce myself . I am Charles Goedicke. A free american . Born free . I have lived free all of my life in free the united states. As a free american it is my choice . NOT To vaccinate . Just like it is my CHOICE not to drive drunk . Just like it is my CHOICE not to used drugs . Have i made bad choices absolutely , every single human on the planet has . It is my CHOICE not to be forced into vaccination . I am not anti vax i am pro choice . To choose to be vaccinated or not is my choice . I am willing to accept what comes to me by not vaccinating . Millions die every year in car crashs cancers and from self inflicted drug overdoses . I was born free and i will die free . I will stand my ground in this fight and come what may this is my choice . Not the governments. We are all free americans . Free to make our own choices . Masks have proven useless ... this vaccine has proven useless . Its snake oil and i do not trust it . Ive been around people with and without covid . Faucci tested covid for "gain of function" function of what ? Gain of function on a virus? To gain what ? A bio-weapon ? If the vaccine is efdective why jave so many that been vaccinated got reinfected ? Im all for science . Proven science . Not this forced attempt to stop something that has a 96 percent recovery rate . Im sorry i may loose friends over this . I may not . Just realize this is our choice and should be our choice as free americans . Are we truly free any more . As this OSHA deadline looms around us and our employers . I hope they stand up for us all . I am tired . But i am not weak . I stand behind my choice and accept my consequences. I will not comply .
This is why fakebook is dying . Why im moving from fakebook to this platform. Im so done with my freedom of speech beeing trampled on . Several other posts were removed that i had no idea about ... ab... View MoreThis is why fakebook is dying . Why im moving from fakebook to this platform. Im so done with my freedom of speech beeing trampled on . Several other posts were removed that i had no idea about ... absolutely disgisting .... fuckerburger got his ass in hot water and is now trying to save his failing company ... i would love to see fakebook go down in flames!!
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