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Granville Payne

Male. Lives in Colorado Springs, United States. Born on June 19, 1971. Is divorced.
Granville Payne
Poll: Who thinks porn is a sin?
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Will Jones
It is, as is whoredom.
February 5, 2022
Granville Payne
I posted something that the sucklings on Facebook did not like and they will not tell me what it is.
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Monika McLaughlin
You must have posted the truth. They seem to hate that.
September 13, 2021
Granville Payne
We had the first Year of the Shemitah of the millennium that started on September 30, 2000 and ended on September 16, 2001. What happened in that Year of the Shemitah was 9/11/2001. It effected the e... View More
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Granville Payne
Is COVID-19 real? Yes, the disease is real. The hysteria behind the disease is false. I have friends who got COVID-19 and the seriousness of the disease ranges from being in the intensive care unit at... View More
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Diane Thomas
Covid was NEVER isolated to formulate a vaccine from, therefore until an isolate is presented, it doesn't EXIST!
August 9, 2021 Edited
Granville Payne
The Year of the Shemitah is only a month away. Only G-D knows what He will and/or will not do during this Shemitah. Many people came and passed like Carman and Dr. Billy Graham begging America to get ... View More
Granville Payne
updated his cover photo.
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Will Jones
The Star of Remphan is Satan-s star per the Holy Bible. Only morons and the Satanic fly it.
August 5, 2021 Edited
Will Jones
Only a single Deity effected Existence, the Creator, God Almighty, proven by history and prophecy to be Jesus Christ. Only the biblically illiterate or satanic demon-possessed pretend to disagree. https://www.google.com/search?client=safari&rls=en&sxsrf=ALeKk02wawLzHsifvKDY-QKkiKP89MU57g:1628192646... View More
August 5, 2021 Edited
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