Digital Warrior! Truth matters! Patriots United! Covering 45 Donald J Trump. MAGA FOREVER!
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YOU ARE BEING SCAMMED: Lab admits there is no test for COVID variants…. -
One of the things I’m always pushing here at WeLoveTrump is critical thinking. For your whole life, the powers-that-be have done their best to get you to NOT think for yourself. Don’t analyze… D
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Dr. Stella Immanuel Sues CNN and Anderson Cooper For $100 MILLION! -
Time to pay up CNN! And Anderson Cooper. Since the beginning of COVID-19 madness, honest and hard-working doctors have searched for safe and effective treatments for the virus. Many of those doctors w
Don't mess with Abbott!
After Texas Shuts Down Biden Border Transport – Biden’s AG Dares Governor Abbott With ‘Legal Action’ -
Boy, the Biden administration really has some gall, huh? They ruin our border security by letting in close to one million migrants. Even as we watch this hurt America, they continue to ignore it. Texa
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This was BIG, fellow patriots...
Investigation Into Biden Kept In Hiding During 2020 Election – Evidence Shows Delaware US Attorney Kept Another Hunter Probe Under Wraps -
For a long time, we’ve heard about Hunter Biden’s shady reputation. And how Democrats in office have tried to protect him and Joe Biden. But we never thought it would get this bad. Many wondered i
We will NOT forget this, Joe... 😠
President Biden Goes Off The Rails In Live Speech – He Claims Trump Supporters Are Worse Than Confederates -
Democrats are scrambling right now. And their Commander in Chief is losing it big time. With 2022 around the corner, they are doing whatever it takes to prevent a red wave in Congress. That is the rea
We're NOT going to forget this!
Biden Evidence Confirmed By Gov’t Accountability President – He Says Hunter’s Laptop Implicates The President -
Joe Biden has been trying to dodge Hunter’s infamous laptop. But he might have reached a dead end. Since the fall of last year, we’ve been learning about the contents of this laptop. Even the FBI