Dr. Mike Yeadon, Former Pfizer VP latest message - Everyone must listen
Dr. Mike Yeadon: They are lying to you all the time.
Do not take, especially if you are pregnant this experimental, still
in clinical trials gene therapy!
Anyone giving this drug to pregnant woma
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Depopulation By Any Means: Dr. Bryan Ardis, Dr. Reiner Fuellmich and Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg
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Dr. Reiner Fuellmich: https://www.fuellmich.com
Dr. Bryan Ardis Archive:
Earth is the perfect Creator-s “seed planet” to populate the universe all can see. Only here is sentient life, God-s miracle designed before Creation.
All humanity can fit within the boundaries of Connecticut.
Only demon-possessed Luciferians seek depopulation of God-s miracles.... View More
Inventor of mRNA Vaccine: Some Covid Vaccines Make the Virus More Dangerous
Dr. Robert Malone, M.D., M.S.,, a distinguished physician who discovered RNA transfection and invented mRNA vaccines, was on Steve Bannon’s War Room Wednesday with some alarming news–new data indi
Fakebook flagged this article as false or misleading. I guess by their standards it’s misleading because it could lead people to wake up see what’s going on, but false I disagree. This information is factual based on the Dr that invented mRNA. I am offended that what I think is false according to Fa... View More