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Salvador Blake
Apparently this Administration bases all it's War plans on Hope and Pray, with a slice of the enemy's good will.. Damn..
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Salvador Blake
How are going to fix the mess that this present Administration has put us in?first, it is the Border. We have an unknown number of illegal entries into our country by unknown persons, who may or may ... View More
Salvador Blake
Nation building is the key to failure. We, as a Nation are unique.. No cloning, please.
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Salvador Blake
There is one solution that, though improbable, could be made possible by the American people. That is to fire Biden and Harris and place the Presidential runner-up team in the Election as President an... View More
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Bill Blust Jr
Sadly, there is nothing in our Constitution to remedy this problem. Even with the audits when they prove there was election fraud, the electors for each state have been certified. So when I see all the memes about "Watch The Audits" I no longer get my hopes built up. There are only two possibly wa... View More
August 28, 2021 Edited
Salvador Blake
Salvador Blake replied - 3 replies
Salvador Blake
Invoke the 25th Amendment remove Biden as President before destroys he our Nation and more Patriots lives are lost. He is beyond redemption
Salvador Blake
The needless loss of life.. We, as Marines accept the risks involved in the service of our Country, but by God, if leading, you better be a damn good Leader.. Which unrtunately is not the case in ... View More
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